[PYTHON] I checked the list of shortcut keys of Jupyter

I've been on Jupyter for 3 months, but I don't remember shortcut keys at all, so the work is extremely slow. I want to remember the shortcut key to solve this!

Click the "h" button to see a list

Press "h" in command mode to display a list of shortcut keys. Let's go through this list. ショートカットキー一覧

Mac commands

Mac commands are abbreviated as follows.

symbol command

Command mode list (mode when the Esc button is pressed)

command Description
F Find and replace
Enter edit mode
⌘⇧P Open command palette
⇧↩ Run cell and select cell below
⌃↩ Execute selected cell
⌥↩ Run cell and insert new cell below
Y In code mode
M In markdown mode
R In raw (text) mode
1 Export with "Heading 1 (Large Heading)"
2 Export with "Heading 2 (Middle Heading)"
3 Export with "Heading 3"
4 Export with "Heading 4"
5 Export with "Heading 5"
6 Export with "Heading 6"
K Move to the upper cell
Move to the upper cell
Move to cell below
J Move to cell below
⇧K Select multiple cells above
⇧↑ Select multiple cells above
⇧↓ Select multiple cells below
⇧J Select multiple cells below
A Insert cell on top
B Insert cell down
X Cut the cell
C Copy cell
⇧V Insert cell on top and paste
V Insert cell down and paste
Z Return deleted cells
D,D Delete selected cell
⇧M Merge cells
⌘S Save and checkpoint
S Save and checkpoint
L Show row numbers in cells
O Display the execution result of the selected cell
⇧O Scroll display of execution result of selected cell
H Show shortcut keys
I,I Suspend kernel
0,0 Restart kernel
Esc (unknown) close the pager
Q (Unknown) close the pager
⇧␣ Scroll up
Scroll down

Edit mode list (mode when Enter is pressed)

symbol command
Code auto-completion, indentation
⇧⇥ Tooltip
⌘] Indent
⌘[ Indent dedent
⌘A Select all
⌘Z Undo
⌘⇧Z Redo
⌘Y Redo
⌘↑ Move to the beginning of the cell
⌘↓ Move to the end of cell
⌥← Move one word to the left
⌥→ Move one word to the right
⌥⌫ Erase the previous word
⌥⌦ Erase the following words
⌃M Command mode
Esc Command mode
⌘⇧P Open command palette
⇧↩ Run cell and select cell below
⌃↩ Run selected cell
⌥↩ Run cell and insert cell below
⌃⇧- Split cell
⌃⇧ Subtract (Unknown) Split cell
⌘S Save and checkpoint
Move cursor down
Move cursor up


What you use yourself.

Recommended command mode

command Description comment
⇧↩ Run cell and select cell below Required at runtime
Y In code mode I wonder why it's Y
M In markdown mode Markdown M
A Insert cell on top Easy to add cells
B Insert cell down Easy to add cells
D,D Delete selected cell You can't just use D
0,0 Restart kernel I wanted this!

Recommended edit mode

command Description comment
Code auto-completion, indentation You can look up the method name
⇧⇥ Tooltip You can know the details of the object
⌘] Indent
⌘[ Indent dedent Convenient for soberness. When you want to stop the for statement or delete the indent
⌃M Command mode Since the Esc button is far away, I will mainly use this
Esc Command mode
⇧↩ Run cell and select cell below

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