Introduce Vue.js to Rails


This time I introduced Vue.js to the application under development with rails, so I will record it as a memorandum. I hope it helps people who use Vue.js with rails for the first time. Also, since it is a beginner, please point out any mistakes! ruby 2.6.5 Rails

Step 1 Install webpacker

If you have installed it, please skip it. Described in Gemgile

gem "webpacker", github: "rails/webpacker”

If you can write it, bundle install.

After installation, execute the following in the terminal

$ bin/rails webpacker:install

This completes the webpacker installation

Step 2 Install Vue.js

Enter the following command in the terminal

$ rails webpacker:install:vue

Now you have created the files you need for Vue.js.

Step 3 Load Vue.js

Describe the following in the application.html.erb file under app / views / layouts

 <%= javascript_pack_tag "hello_vue" %>

When loaded normally, it will be displayed in the view as shown in the picture.


Now you can install Vue.js with rails! It's relatively easy to install, so please use it if you like! If you make a mistake, please teach me!

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