Introduced jQurery's Full Callendar to display a calendar in which you can write appointments in the Rails application you are currently creating. I hope it helps those who are looking for a way to display the calendar.
The view is written in haml and SCSS. I'm using Rails "".
I created an Event model with scaffold. When writing an appointment with FullCalender, it seems that it will not work unless the model name is ** Event ** </ font>.
$ rails g scaffold event title:string body:string start_date:datetime end_date:datetime
$ rails db:migrate RAILS_ENV=development
Write the following three ** bundle install **
gem 'jquery-rails'
gem 'fullcalendar-rails'
gem 'momentjs-rails'
Fill in the following in application.scss
*= require_tree .
*= require_self
*= require fullcalendar
JavaScript Please copy and paste as it is. This will display the calendar in Japanese.
//= require jquery
//= require moment
//= require fullcalendar
$(function () {
//Detect screen transition
$(document).on('turbolinks:load', function () {
if ($('#calendar').length) {
function Calendar() {
return $('#calendar').fullCalendar({
function clearCalendar() {
$(document).on('turbolinks:load', function () {
$(document).on('turbolinks:before-cache', clearCalendar);
//events: '/events.json',Added below
events: '/events.json',
//Display the top of the calendar by year and month
titleFormat: 'YYYY M month',
//Display the day of the week in Japanese
dayNamesShort: ['Day', 'Month', 'fire', 'water', 'wood', 'Money', 'soil'],
//Button layout
header: {
left: '',
center: 'title',
right: 'today prev,next'
//Display interval for events with no end time
defaultTimedEventDuration: '03:00:00',
buttonText: {
prev: 'Before',
next: 'Next',
prevYear: 'Previous year',
nextYear: 'following year',
today: 'today',
month: 'Month',
week: 'week',
day: 'Day'
// Drag & Drop & Resize
editable: true,
//Event time display to 24 hours
timeFormat: "HH:mm",
//Change the color of the event
eventColor: '#87cefa',
//Change the text color of the event
eventTextColor: '#000000',
eventRender: function(event, element) {
element.css("font-size", "0.8em");
element.css("padding", "5px");
It is displayed only with "#calendar" (when writing in HTML, write the div element with id calendar).
%p#notice= notice
%h1 Events
%th Title
%th Body
%th Start date
%th End date
%th{:colspan => "3"}
- @events.each do |event|
%td= event.title
%td= event.body
%td= event.start_date
%td= event.end_date
%td= link_to 'Show', event
%td= link_to 'Edit', edit_event_path(event)
%td= link_to 'Destroy', event, method: :delete, data: { confirm: 'Are you sure?' }
= link_to 'New Event', new_event_path
//This time I wrote it under the existing code.
※important point Please turn off the turbolinks function.
%body{"data-turbolinks" => "false"}
= yield
Set the routing so that you can check it immediately after starting it.
Rails.application.routes.draw do
root "events#index"
resources :events
When you start the app with "rails s", the calendar should be displayed as below.
Click New events to enter them and the events will be displayed on the calendar.
You can check the details of the event by clicking the event on the calendar.
By using the jQurery library, I was able to easily display the calendar. I would like to continue to actively use the library in the future.
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