[Rails] Introducing devise


devise is a gem for easy implementation of user management functions.

table of contents

  1. Install devise
  2. Create devise configuration file
  3. Creating a model
  4. Create table
  5. Edit view
  6. Edit controller

1. Install devise

Describe the following in the gemfile.


gem 'devise'

In the app's directory, do the following:

bundle install

** Restart the server ** after installing the gem. The gem will be reflected by restarting the server.

rails s

2. Create a devise config file

In order to use devise, in addition to installing the gem, it is necessary to create a configuration file with a command dedicated to devise. By executing the following, you can automatically generate the "file used for setting" of the added devise gem.

rails g devise:install

3. Create a model

When using devise, it is necessary to create a new User model for creating an account. To create it, create a User model with devise's model creation command instead of the usual model creation method.

rails g devise user

In addition to automatically generating models and migrations with the rails g devise command, routes are also automatically added to routes.rb.

4. Create table

If you want to add the required columns, write them in the migration file and execute the following.

rails db:migrate

5. Edit view

If you add a column, you need to edit the view of the new registration screen so that you can enter the added column. By default, devise's view files are hidden, so do the following:

rails g devise:views

6. Edit controller

Also, if you want to edit the controller, you can create a controller under devise management by executing the following.

rails g devise:controllers users

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