I wanted to implement it using a calendar in application development, so I summarized it briefly.
simple_calendar is a gem that allows you to easily add a calendar function. You can create a calendar by specifying a date such as a monthly calendar or a weekly calendar. This time, the method uses a monthly calendar.
Add the following to the gem file and execute "bundle install" in the application directory.
gem "simple_calendar", "~> 2.0"
Run the following command to generate a simple_calendar view file. If you want to customize the layout, you can edit it by generating a file with this command.
rails g simple_calendar:views
Add the following to the model to display the event on the calendar. The "date" part describes the column name.
def start_time
To display the calendar, write the following. The "events" part pulls data by placing the instance variable set in the controller. Now you can display the event on the calendar.
<%= month_calendar events: @all do |date, all| %>
<%= date.day %> //How to display the schedule on the calendar
<% all.each do |i| %>
<%= i.price %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
If <% = date%>, it will be output as 2020-01-01. Since I want to display only the date this time, I write <% = date.day%>.
Add "* = require simple_calendar" to application.css to apply the simple_calendar CSS.
*= require simple_calendar #I will add it here
*= require_tree .
*= require_self
You can customize the calendar design by creating a file and writing the CSS yourself as shown below.
.simple-calendar {
.day {}
.wday-0 {}
.wday-1 {}
.wday-2 {}
.wday-3 {}
.wday-4 {}
.wday-5 {}
.wday-6 {}
.today {}
.past {}
.future {}
.start-date {}
.prev-month {}
.next-month { }
.current-month {}
.has-events {}
If you want to use the calendar with the input tag, you can display it with "f.date_field" as shown below.
<%= form_with model: @income, local: true do |f| %>
<%= f.date_field :date, id:"date" %>
<% end %>
https://qiita.com/isaatsu0131/items/ad1d0a6130fe4fd339d0 https://github.com/excid3/simple_calendar
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