Monitor Python application performance with Dynatrace ♪

We are pleased to announce the release of the One Agent Extension (below) for monitoring Python applications with Dynatrace.

As of the end of May 2020, this is a private (unofficial) extension developed by Dynatrace employees, but it's easy to visualize the performance of your Python application, so give it a try!

Corresponding module

celery concurrent.futures confluent_kafka cx_Oracle django flask grpc pika (RabbitMQ) pymongo pysnmp redis ruxit (Dynatrace plugin framework) sqlalchemy urllib3 custom annotations


1 . Install the One Agent on the host running the monitored Python. Just copy and hit 3 commands from the Dynatrace menu "Deploy Dynatrace"! (For Linux) image.png

2 . Install the extension module with the following command

pip install autodynatrace

3 . Add the following to the monitored Python code to include the extension module

import autodynatrace

4 . Run the monitored Python


Below is an example of a simple app that updates SQLite from Flask with SQLAlchemy.

1 . Display the monitored hosts from "Hosts" in the Dynatrace menu. A Python process has been detected. This is true even if the extension is not used. Click on this python process image.png

2 . Here is the extension introduction effect. Flask has been detected as a service on the Python process! (I'm happy ♪) Click Flask to see the performance as a service. image.png

3 . InfoGraphic in the center captures the previous and next communication partners exactly. Response time, error rate, and throughput as a service are also monitored.

(In the case of Dynatrace, AI automatically monitors these metric anomalies) </ font>

When I click on SQLite that Flask is calling ...


Performance as a Database is being monitored! As shown in the figure below, you can easily find out the SQL query with the slow special processing time from "Anlyze outlier" (outlier analysis).


Dynatrace Philosophy = Do more with less! (Do more with less effort) </ font>

It seems that this extension also has it ♪

I want to try Dynatrace! To those who say!

You can apply for a free trial (2 weeks) from </ font>. After a few minutes you will have a Dynatrace tenant


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