[PYTHON] What is a lexical scope / dynamic scope?

In the first place, there are two types of scopes.

  1. Lexical scope
  2. Dynamic scope

Each is a variable reference specification, and lexical scope is adopted in many major languages such as Ruby, Java, Javascript, and python.

Example of lexical scope

It's very simple. See the code below.

var =  'I'm top level'

def a_method
  return var 

def b_method
  var = 'I am the contents of the object'
  return var

#-> 'I'm top level'

It is natural to write Ruby etc., but you cannot refer to var of b_method from a_method. This is the ``` lexical scope " ... !!! However, it seems that there are languages in the world where the scope of variables is determined when a function is evaluated. It seems that they are called dynamic scopes, but for example Lisp and Emacs seem to adopt those scopes.

Dynamic scope example

This is not Ruby. Dynamic Ruby that uses a Ruby-like dynamic scope. (There is no such thing, but it is a coined word.)

def a_method
  p var

def b_method
  var = 'I'm B'

def c_method

#-> 'I'm B'

#-> undefined variable 'var'  

Will be. That is, the scope is determined when you evaluate the *** function, not when you define the function. *** ***

Benefits of dynamic scope

It seems easy to implement the language w Why did Lisp, Emacs, etc. adopt it? It seems that it is written that way. Lol

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