[PYTHON] Get data from Cloudant with Bluemix flask

The next page describes how to connect to Cloudant. How can I connect to Cloudant from a Flask App running in Bluemix?

In this example, there is only an example of creating a database, so I created a sample of the database read.

The data was manually loaded into the created database.

Only welcome.py needs to be modified.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#	welcome.py
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
import os
import json
import requests
from flask import Flask
from flask import jsonify

app = Flask(__name__)


# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def define_url_auth_proc():
	vcap = json.loads(os.getenv("VCAP_SERVICES"))['cloudantNoSQLDB']

	cl_username = vcap[0]['credentials']['username']
	cl_password = vcap[0]['credentials']['password']

	url         = vcap[0]['credentials']['url']
	auth        = ( cl_username, cl_password )
	return url,auth
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def welcome():
    return app.send_static_file('index.html')

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def get_db(db):
        url,auth = define_url_auth_proc()
        return 'A Cloudant service is not bound to the application.  Please bind a Cloudant service and try again.'

    rr=requests.get( url + '/' + db, auth=auth )
    return jsonify(results=dict)

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def get_db2(db):
        url,auth = define_url_auth_proc()
        return 'A Cloudant service is not bound to the application.  Please bind a Cloudant service and try again.'

    url_aa =  url + '/' + db + '/_all_docs?include_docs=true'
    rr=requests.get( url_aa, auth=auth )
    return jsonify(results=dict)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def create_db(db):
        url,auth = define_url_auth_proc()
        return 'A Cloudant service is not bound to the application.  Please bind a Cloudant service and try again.'

    requests.put( url + '/' + db, auth=auth )
    return 'Database %s created.' % db
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
port = os.getenv('VCAP_APP_PORT', '5000')

if __name__ == "__main__":
    app.run(host='', port=int(port))
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Status of manually entering data


Execution result http://ekzemplarocc.mybluemix.net/getdb/test




The app must be connected to Cloudant NoSQL to run.

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