2D FEM stress analysis program with Python

I think the post below is better for the finish as a program, so please refer to it.


I made a linear elastic two-dimensional FEM stress analysis program by Python.

The element is an isoparametric element with 4 nodes per element, and each element has 4 Gauss integral points.

The loads that can be handled are as follows.

Theoretical formula

Nodal displacement calculation formula
\begin{align} &[\boldsymbol{k}]=t\cdot \int_A [\boldsymbol{B}]^T[\boldsymbol{D}][\boldsymbol{B}] dA \\\ &\\{\boldsymbol{f_t}\\}=t\cdot \int_A [\boldsymbol{B}]^T[\boldsymbol{D}]\\{\boldsymbol{\epsilon_0}\\} dA \\\ &\\{\boldsymbol{f_b}\\}=t\cdot\gamma\cdot \int_A [\boldsymbol{N}]^T [\boldsymbol{N}] dA \cdot \\{\boldsymbol{w}\\} \end{align}
Element stress calculation formula

$ \ {\ boldsymbol {\ epsilon_0} \} $ is distortion due to temperature change

Nodal displacement-arbitrary position strain relational expression

$ \ {\ boldsymbol {\ epsilon} \} $ is the distortion of any point in the element

Nodal displacement-Arbitrary position strain calculation formula

$ \ {\ boldsymbol {v} \} $ is the displacement of any point in the element

Can it be used?

Since Python is an interpreter, I was worried whether it would be useful in terms of calculation speed, but the calculation time for the model with the number of nodes: 3417, the number of elements: 3257, and the degree of freedom: 6834 is 7.9 seconds, which is a usable level. It was confirmed that.


The program is long, so I put a link to what I pasted in Gist. In addition, contour drawing only fills the elements with different colors according to the stress level. For my purpose, it is not necessary to insert it separately and draw a contour line.

Input data format

npoin  nele  nsec  npfix  nlod  NSTR #Basic amount
t  E  po  alpha  gamma  gkh  gkv     #Material property
..... (1~nsec) .....
node1  node2  node3  node4  isec     #element-Nodal relationship, material property number
..... (1~nele) .....
x  y  deltaT                         #Nodal coordinates, nodal temperature changes
..... (1~npoin) .....
node  kox  koy  rdisx  rdisy         #Displacement constraint conditions
..... (1~npfix) .....
node  fx  fy                         #External force
..... (1~nlod) .....
npoin, nele, nsec Number of nodes, number of elements, number of material characteristics
npfix, nlod Number of constrained nodes, number of loaded nodes
NSTR Stress state (plane stress: 0, plane stress: 1)
t, E, po, alpha Plate thickness, elastic modulus, Poisson's ratio, coefficient of linear expansion
gamma, gkh, gkv Unit volume weight, horizontal and vertical acceleration (ratio of g)
x, y, deltaT Node x coordinate, node y coordinate, node temperature change
node, kox, koy Constrain node number, presence / absence of x and y direction constraints (constraint: 1, freedom: 0)
rdisx, rdisy Displacement in x and y directions (enter 0 even if unconstrained)
node, fx, fy Load node number, x-direction load, y-direction load

Output data format

npoin  nele  nsec npfix  nlod   NSTR
    4     1     1     2     2      1
  sec               t               E              po           alpha           gamma        gkh        gkv
    1   1.0000000e+00   1.0000000e+03   0.0000000e+00   1.0000000e-05   2.3000000e+00      0.000      0.000
 node               x               y              fx              fy          deltaT   kox   koy
    1   0.0000000e+00   0.0000000e+00   0.0000000e+00   0.0000000e+00   0.0000000e+00     1     1
    2   1.0000000e+00   0.0000000e+00   0.0000000e+00   0.0000000e+00   0.0000000e+00     0     1
    3   1.0000000e+00   1.0000000e+00   0.0000000e+00   1.0000000e+01   0.0000000e+00     0     0
    4   0.0000000e+00   1.0000000e+00   0.0000000e+00   1.0000000e+01   0.0000000e+00     0     0
 node   kox   koy          rdis_x          rdis_y
    1     1     1   0.0000000e+00   0.0000000e+00
    2     0     1   0.0000000e+00   0.0000000e+00
 elem     i     j     k     l   sec
    1     1     2     3     4     1
 node           dis-x           dis-y
    1   0.0000000e+00   0.0000000e+00
    2   8.8817842e-19   0.0000000e+00
    3   1.7763568e-18   2.0000000e-02
    4   4.1448326e-18   2.0000000e-02
 elem           sig_x           sig_y          tau_xy              p1              p2             ang
    1  -7.4014868e-16   2.0000000e+01   1.1333527e-16   2.0000000e+01   0.0000000e+00   9.0000000e+01
n=8  time=0.044 sec
node, dis-x, dis-y Node number, displacement in x direction, displacement in y direction
elme, sig_x, sig_y, tau_xy Element number, x-direction direct stress, y-direction direct stress, shear stress
p1, p2, ang First principal stress, second principal stress, direction of first principal stress
n, time total degrees of freedom, calculation time

Output example


that's all

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