Getting Python source code metrics using radon


Radon is a program that measures Python metrics.

This allows you to get the complexity and number of lines of Python code. By measuring complexity, you can identify potential risks in your source code and identify what to refactor or test.

Installation method

Execute the following in python2.x or Python3.x.

easy_install easy_install radon

How to use

Measurement of Cyclomatic Complexity

Cyclomatic Complexity can be measured by using the cc command. Cyclomatic Complexity increases as the number of control statements increases. See below for details.

Example of use:

radon cc -s ".\*.py"


__ Output content: __ The first symbol represents the block type

symbol Description
F function
M Method
C class

The following numbers represent the start matrix of the block to be measured


The following represents block names such as function names.

After "-", it becomes the value of rank and Cyclomatic Complexity.

Rank is determined by the value of Cyclomatic Complexity.

CC value Rank risk
1 - 5 A low -Simple block
6 - 10 B low -Well-structured and stable block
11 - 20 C moderate -A little complicated block
21 - 30 D more than moderate -More complex blocks
31 - 40 E high -Complex blocks, alarming
41+ F very high -Unstable blocks that are error prone

option: The options available for the cc command are:

Option Description
-s, --show Display Cyclomatic Complexity.
-n, --min Set the minimum rank to display. Specify A to F after this argument
-x, --max Set the maximum rank to be displayed. Specify A to F after this argument
-a, --average Display the average of Cyclomatic Complexity at the end. This average is-n or-Affected by x filter
--total-average Receive the average of all data-Unlike a, it is not affected by the filter
-e, --exclude Specify the path of the file to be excluded from analysis separated by commas
-i, --ignore Specify directories to ignore, separated by commas. Do not check under ignored directories
-o, --order Specify the sort order.
SCORE complexity order
LINES by number of lines
ALPHA block name order
-j, --json Output the result in JSON
--no-assert Asser when calculating complexity()Instructions do not count

Maintainability Index measurement

Measure the Maintainability Index by using the mi command. Maintainability is calculated from Cyclomatic Complexity and the number of rows, and the highest 100 is, the easier it is to maintain.

See below for details

Example of use:

radon mi -s ".\*.py"

__ Output content: __

C:\dev\py33>radon mi -s "" - A (58.76)

Display file name, rank, MI score

The rank is as follows

MI score Rank Maintainability
100 - 20 A Very expensive
19 - 10 B Medium
9 - 0 C Very low

option: The options available for the mi command are:

Option Description
-s, --show Display Maintainability Index.
-e, --exclude Specify the path of the file to be excluded from analysis separated by commas
-i, --ignore Specify directories to ignore, separated by commas. Do not check under ignored directories
-m, --multi Do not count multi-line strings as comments

Raw data measurement

The raw command outputs the following numbers.

LOC: Total number of lines -LLOC_: Logical LOC. Excluding blank lines and comment lines -SLOC_: Source LOC. Excluding blank lines. ・ Comments: Comment line · Multi: A multi-line string. May be considered a comment ・ Blank: Blank line

option: The options available in the raw command are:

Option Description
-s, --summary Display the measured aggregation result
-e, --exclude Specify the path of the file to be excluded from analysis separated by commas
-i, --ignore Specify directories to ignore, separated by commas. Do not check under ignored directories
-j, --json Output the result in JSON

Use from the program

You can use radon from python by importing the radon module into python code.


import radon
from radon import raw
ret = radon.raw.analyze("""
if a==1:
  print (a)
if a==2:
  print (a)

See help or see below for more information

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