Check python code styles using pep8

2019.08.01 See below as it is old. ** The story of Python hated by cowboys **


This document describes how to check for violations of PEP8, the coding style for Python code.

PEP 8 -- Style Guide for Python Code


Installation method

PEP8 --Install Python style guide checker

easy_install pep8


pip install pep8

This allows you to run pep8 from the command line.

pep8 /test/directory

If you specify a directory, check the subdirectories as well

Main options

Option name Description
--version Show version
-h,--help Get help
-v,--verbose Display status messages such as the name of the file being checked.--Debug messages are displayed in vv
-q,--quiet Display only the file name.-qq does not display anything.
--first In case of the same error, display only at the beginning
--exclude=patterns Describe the pattern of file names and directory names to be excluded. You can have more than one by separating them with commas.
--filename=patterns When searching a directory, only files with the pattern specified here are searched. You can specify multiple items separated by commas.
Default: *.py
--select=errors Specify errors and warnings
Example: E,W6
--ignore=errors Ignore the specified error
Example: E,W6
--show-source Show source for each error
--show-pep8 Add a description of PEP8 to each error.--You should use it with first
--statistics Aggregate the number of errors and warnings and display at the end
--count Finally, display the total number of errors and warnings
--config=path You can specify the location of the configuration file.

setting file

The value of each option can be specified in the configuration file that can be specified with the config option.

ignore = E111

Use from Python

It can also be used from Python by importing pep8.

import pep8
pep8style = pep8.StyleGuide(quiet=True)
ret = pep8style.check_files(['']);
print ret.total_errors

Use from Jenkins

Aggregation is possible using Violations, a Jenkins plugin.


When executing from a shell script, it is necessary to write "#! / Bin / sh" at the beginning and process that does not return an error code at the end as follows.

pep8 /share/py/ > ${WORKSPACE}/test.txt
echo "....finished"

See the page below for the reason why you need to do this. About running the Jenkins shell The settings for Violations are as follows.


There is no need to output in XML.

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