Try using Pillow on iPython (Part 2)

Pillow work flow (2)

  1. Load the image with
  2. Gonyo Gonyo the image
  3. Save the image edited with

Let's go.


%pylab inline
from PIL import Image,ImageDraw,ImageFont

File format conversion


#Load image
img ='in-image/lena_std.tif')

#File information display
print('size    : ', img.size)
print('format  : ', img.format) 
print('mode    : ', img.mode) 
print('palette : ', img.palette) 
print('info    : ', 

pl_img = np.array(img) ; plt.imshow( pl_img ) #display

#Convert the file format and save (automatically determine by looking at the extension)'work-image/lena.jpg') 


Resize image file


img ='work-image/lena.jpg')

#File information display
print('size    : ', img.size)
print('format  : ', img.format) 
print('mode    : ', img.mode) 
print('palette : ', img.palette) 
print('info    : ', 

# 200*Resize to 200
resize_img = img.resize((200,200),Image.ANTIALIAS)

#File information display
print('size    : ', resize_img.size)
print('format  : ', resize_img.format) 
print('mode    : ', resize_img.mode) 
print('palette : ', resize_img.palette) 
print('info    : ', 

#Save the converted data'work-image/resize_lena.jpg') 

pl_img = np.array(resize_img) ; plt.imshow( pl_img ) #display


Image cropping


#The original data (img) has already been read, so trim it
trim_img = img.crop((64,64,448,448))

pl_img = np.array(trim_img) ; plt.imshow( pl_img ) #display

#Save trimmed data'work-image/trim_lena.jpg') 


↓ I gave a notebook to nbviewer (I mean, this is the main one)

↓ Click here for the working environment Pillow environment construction --Virtual environment by virtualenv, interactive environment by iPython --Qiita

Try using Pillow on iPython (Part 1) --Qiita

Try Pillow on iPython (Part 3) --Qiita

No, iPython is easy w.

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