I've never touched Tabpy, so A memo when I tried running Tabpy on Cloud Run (on GKE) while also studying Cloud Run
A mechanism that enables Tableau to visualize the results of statistical processing and machine learning in Python by linking Tableau and Python. Install the Python module with pip on any PC or server, start the Tabpy service, and access Tabpy using Tableau's external service connection.
https://cloud.google.com/run/?hl=ja Fully managed service for running containers Charged according to request processing time It seems to be an auto scale with a nice feeling, so it requires less infrastructure than GKE, but there are various restrictions (time limit, port designation, etc.) Cloud Functions-like image that allows individuals to move anything
Difference from on GKE https://tomokazu-kozuma.com/the-difference-between-cloud-run-and-cloud-run-on-gke/
I couldn't connect to Tabpy with Cloud Run. .. I'm not sure if the inconsistency between the SSL certificate automatically issued by Cloud Run and the SSL certificate used for SSL conversion of Tabpy is bad. .. .. (Certificates automatically issued by Cloud Run cannot be used)
Premise to use Cloud Shell
Set up referring to the following https://cloud.google.com/run/docs/gke/setup
Create sample cluster
gcloud beta container clusters create <Cluster name> \
--machine-type=g1-small \
--preemptible \
--num-nodes=3 \
--disk-size=10 \
--zone=us-central1-a \
--addons=HorizontalPodAutoscaling,HttpLoadBalancing,Istio,CloudRun \
--cluster-version=latest \
--enable-stackdriver-kubernetes \
--enable-ip-alias \
--scopes cloud-platform
To enable Cloud Run for an already established GKE cluster, enable the blue circle items in the capture below in order from the top.
Add libraries to install as needed Just install tabpy with pip install and start tabpy, it's basically OK
from continuumio/miniconda3:latest
ARG config_dir=/tmp/
ADD file.conf $config_dir
WORKDIR $config_dir
RUN pip install --upgrade pip && \
pip install numpy pandas scikit-learn scipy textblob nltk vaderSentiment && \
pip install reverse_geocoder geopy && \
pip install tabpy==1.0.0
RUN tabpy-user add -u <username> -p <password> -f pwd.txt
ENTRYPOINT tabpy --config=file.conf
#Create this file in the same directory as the Dockerfile
TABPY_PWD_FILE = /tmp/pwd.txt
Execute the following command in the directory where the Dockerfile is stored. An image called tabpy-sample is created.
docker image build -t asia.gcr.io/<Project ID>/tabpy-sample:latest .
Push to Container Registry
docker push asia.gcr.io/<Project ID>/tabpy-sample:latest
gcloud beta run deploy tabpy-sample \
--image asia.gcr.io/<Project ID>/tabpy-sample \
--platform gke \
--cluster <GKE cluster name> \
--cluster-location <Location>
When the platform option is managed, it will be deployed to CloudRun
gcloud beta run deploy tabpy-sample \
--image asia.gcr.io/<Project ID>/tabpy-sample \
--platform managed \
--region <region>
When deployed to Cloudrun on GKE, By default you can't access the service without specifying the host in the header via curl Since Tableau's external connection service cannot specify headers, it is necessary to map and access a custom domain.
gcloud domains verify [DOMAIN]
gcloud beta run domain-mappings create --service [SERVICE] --domain [DOMAIN]
gcloud beta run domain-mappings describe --domain [DOMAIN]
gcloud compute addresses create [IP-NAME] --addresses [EXTERNAL-IP] --region [REGION]
EXTERNAL-IP specifies the IP address of the A record acquired in the procedure for acquiring DNS record data.
Dockerfile I made a Dockerfile with reference to the following (plagiarized), but it seems that it was a little old. .. https://github.com/erichannell/TabPy-docker Currently, pip install seems to complete the tabpy installation.
Modify Dockerfile by referring to the official Tabpy documentation https://github.com/tableau/TabPy/blob/master/docs/server-install.md#starting-tabpy
Cloudrun must specify listen PORT to 8080 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55662222/container-failed-to-start-failed-to-start-and-then-listen-on-the-port-defined-b https://cloud.google.com/run/docs/reference/container-contract?hl=ja#port
Tabpy has a default port of 9004, so you need to specify the port 8080 using the config file. https://github.com/tableau/TabPy/blob/master/docs/server-config.md
Click Manage External Service Connections from the top help menu
Server: Custom domain set Port: 80 Username: User set in Dockerfile Password: User set in Dockerfile
https://help.tableau.com/current/server-linux/ja-jp/config_r_tabpy.htm https://help.tableau.com/current/server-linux/ja-jp/cli_security_tsm.htm#tsm_security_vizql-extsvc-ssl-enable
Run the following on the Tableau Server command line
Enable external services on tableau server
tsm security vizql-extsvc-ssl enable --connection-type tabpy --extsvc-host <hostname> --extsvc-port <PORT> --extsvc-username <Tabpy username> --extsvc-password <Tabpy password>
tsm pending-changes apply
orz https://help.tableau.com/current/pro/desktop/ja-jp/r_connection_manage.htm
Workbooks containing external service scripts cannot be published to Tableau Online.
[Let's run Tabpy in a container using Docker! ](Http://lovedata.main.jp/2018/11/20/docker%E3%82%92%E4%BD%BF%E3%81%A3%E3%81%A6mac%E3%81%A7% E3% 82% 82tabpy% E3% 82% 92% E5% 8B% 95% E3% 81% 8B% E3% 81% 9D% E3% 81% 86% EF% BC% 81 /)
Think about Google Cloud Run ports
[Knative in Cloud Run on GKE](https://qiita.com/toshi0607/items/eeeabe81b1beac343b6b#cloud-run-on-gke%E3%81%AE%E3%83%87%E3%83%97% E3% 83% AD% E3% 82% A4)
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