[PYTHON] Run OpenMVG on Mac

Run OpenMVG on Mac. This time, we will run the tutorial that is installed by default and display the results.

Execution environment

macOS Mojave (version 10.14.5) pyenv+python 3.7.5 cmake 3.16.4 Xcode 11.3.1


Install OpenMVG

Install the required python library

$ pip install sphinx

Clone source code from Github

$ git clone --recursive https://github.com/openMVG/openMVG.git

Edit openMVG / src / CMakeLists.txt Before editing:

# ==============================================================================
# IMAGE IO detection
# ==============================================================================
find_package(JPEG QUIET)
find_package(PNG QUIET)
find_package(TIFF QUIET)

After editing: (Add set ~)

# ==============================================================================
# IMAGE IO detection
# ==============================================================================
find_package(JPEG QUIET)
find_package(PNG QUIET)
find_package(TIFF QUIET)

Build using Xcode

$ mkdir openMVG_Build
$ cd openMVG_Build
$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE -G "Xcode" . ../openMVG/src/
$ xcodebuild -configuration Release

Run the tutorial

Run the tutorial

$ cd software/SfM
$ python3 tutorial_demo.py 

In the tutorial, a 3D point cloud will be generated from the 10 images stored in the following folder. openMVG_Build/software/SfM/ImageDataset_SceauxCastle/images 100_7102.JPG

The internal parameters of the camera are also stored

$ cat K.txt
2905.88 0 1416 
0 2905.88 1064
0 0 1

Install MeshLab

Download and install the mac version from the MeshLab site https://www.meshlab.net/

From [File]> [Import Mesh.] openMVG_Build/src/software/SfM/tutorial_out/reconstruction_sequential/colorized.ply Read

If it is displayed as shown below, it is successful. image.png

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