Cloud Run tutorial (python)


Check locally

Move directory. cd python-docs-samples/run/system-package

Build the docker image. docker build --tag graphviz:python .

Start the container. docker run --rm -p 9090:8080 -e PORT=8080 graphviz:python

Access the URL below and check that the image is displayed. (There is a space, but you can leave it as it is) https://localhost:9090/diagram.png?dot=digraph Run { rankdir=LR Code -> Build -> Deploy -> Run }

Confirmed on GCP

#Raise the container to GCR
gcloud builds submit --tag${GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT}/graphviz
#Deploy to Cloud Run
gcloud beta run deploy graphviz --image${GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT}/graphviz

You can choose which GCP product to use when deploying, but this time select Cloud Run full managed. Since the URL published in the log is displayed, access the following URL based on it and check that the same image as when trying locally is displayed.

https://<SERVICE_DOMAIN>/diagram.png?dot=digraph Run { rankdir=LR Code -> Build -> Deploy -> Run }

You can also check the deployed endpoints from the Cloud Run management screen of the GCP console.

Clean up

If this is left as it is, the deployed application will continue to run and it will cost money, so delete it. You can delete the endpoint from the Cloud Run management screen, so delete it. Also, if there is a repository on GCR (Google Container Registry), you may be charged for storage, so delete that as well if you are concerned.


I misunderstood that it was for a more complicated environment, but in the tutorial, I found it convenient to easily execute and release even a small application with only a Dockerfile and a single script. Since the environment can be set freely with the Dockerfile, if you want to finely modify the environment where the application is placed, or If you want to use it other than GCP, that is, if you are assuming multi-cloud, I thought that Cloud Run would be good. However, if you are accustomed to GAE, I feel that GAE 2nd is almost done.

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