Creating numbering process using python in DynamoDB Local Numbering process


When using DynamoDB when creating python numbering process If you want to use actual DynamoDB during development ... I think that you will develop using DynamoDB Local, so I will summarize the method. Continuing from Last time, we will actually create a python program.

Advance preparation


import os
import boto3

endpoint_url = os.getenv('DYNAMODB_ENDPOINT', '')
aws_access_key_id = os.getenv('DYNAMODB_ACCESS_KEY_ID', 'DummyID')
aws_secret_access_key_id = os.getenv('DYNAMODB_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY_ID', 'DummyKey')
aws_region_name = os.getenv('DYNAMODB_REGION', 'ap-northeast-1')

dynamodb = boto3.resource(

sequences = dynamodb.Table('sequences')

res = sequences.update_item(
    Key= {
        'sequence_key': 'TEST_SEQ'
    UpdateExpression="ADD #name :increment",
        ":increment": int(1)




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