Solve simultaneous equations in an instant using Python

Solve simultaneous equations using Sympy on IPython

・ Xyz = -234 ・ X + y + z = 20 ・ 5x – y + 2z = 85

(Environment: Ubuntu12.04LTS)

IPython installation

$ sudo apt-get install ipython-notebook

Install other related science and technology calculation libraries

$ sudo apt-get install python-matplotlib python-scipy python-pandas python-sympy python-nose

Launch IPython

$ ipython

Output the solution of simultaneous equations

In the IPython shell, type:

from sympy import *
x, y, z = symbols('x y z')
solve([x * y * z + 234, x + y + z - 20, 5 * x - y + 2 * z - 85], [x, y, z])

For the formula xyz = -234, write x * y * x + 234.

Answer output result

When init_printing () is described (the image is divided into 3 for layout reasons): sympy2_1.jpg sympy2_2.jpg sympy2_3.jpg

If you didn't write init_printing ():

[(-9*17**(1/2)/4 + 39/4, -9*17**(1/2)/4 - 21/4, 31/2 + 9*17**(1/2)/2),
 (13, -2, 9), (9*17**(1/2)/4 + 39/4, -21/4 + 9*17**(1/2)/4, -9*17**(1/2)/2 + 31/2)]

How to calculate online without building an environment

Go to the following website. ・ SymPy Live

You can use Sympy to perform calculations from the console just like iPython.

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