Solve ABC167-D in Python


Solve D that could not be solved yesterday


** Thoughts ** Since $ K $ is big, it seems that it can not be solved unless it is looped somewhere → Let's detect the loop. And it will be classified according to the size of $ K $. All you need to implement is a list to determine if you are visiting and a list to record the order of visits. The former list prevents infinite loops and the latter list facilitates later implementations.

n, k = map(int,input().split())
a = list(map(int,input().split()))

s = [True] * n #List to determine if you are visiting
c = [1] #List that records the order of visits
now = 0 #Current location
while s[now]:
    s[now] = False #Record the points you visited
    now = a[now] - 1

start_cycle = c.index(c[-1]) #Point to enter the loop
loop = c[start_cycle:-1] #Loop list
cycle = len(loop)

if k < start_cycle: #K unable to reach the loop
    k -= start_cycle
    k %= cycle


If I was calm, I was disappointed because I could solve it during the contest. see you.

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