Python beginners tried to code some energy drinks

I want to tell you that energy drinks are a heavy burden on your body ... I made it just for that. (Please forgive me for not writing the class and call in separate files)

import sys

class Monena:
    def __init__(self):
        self.physical = 50
        self.mental = 50
        self.destruction = False
        self.physical_recovery = 0
        self.mental_recovery = 0

    def status_check(self):
        print('Physical strength' + str(self.physical))
        print('Ki' + str(self.mental))

        if self.physical < 0 or self.mental < 0:
            self.destruction = True

    def work(self, physical_damage, mental_damage):
        print('Do you want to work today ...')
        self.physical = self.physical - physical_damage
        self.mental = self.mental - mental_damage
        self.physical_recovery = physical_damage
        self.mental_recovery = mental_damage

        if self.physical + self.mental < 50:

        print('I've finally finished my work ...')

    def monena(self):
        boost = 100 - (self.physical + self.mental)
        self.mental = self.mental + boost
        self.physical_recovery = self.physical_recovery - int(boost / 2)
        self.mental_recovery = self.mental_recovery - int(boost / 2)


    def sleep(self):
        print('Tired ... let's sleep ...')

        if self.physical + self.physical_recovery > 50:
            self.physical = 50
            self.physical = self.physical + self.physical_recovery

        if self.mental + self.mental_recovery > 50:
            self.mental = 50
            self.mental = self.mental + self.mental_recovery


    def get_up(self):
        print('Good morning ... Is it already morning ...')

monena = Monena(), 20), 30), 20), 30)

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