Personal notes to doc Python code in Sphinx

This article

A personal note for documenting Python code using Sphinx. Below is a very nice article. -How to use Sphinx. Read docstring and generate specifications

Virtual environment


#Virtual environment name sphinx_I will proceed with test
conda create -n sphinx_test python=3.6


conda activate sphinx_test

Install sphinx package

pip install sphinx

document project initialization

#Make the docs folder your workspace
sphinx-quickstart docs

--You will be asked some settings questions, but if you want to keep the default values, just press Enter --The following settings are optional - "project name:" - "Author name(s):" - "Project release []"

document creation configuration

--Open docs / --Uncommented the following parts

import os
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('../'))
#I want to refer to the py file placed in the above directory, so do this
# os.path.abspath('./') => os.path.abspath('../')

extension settings

extensions = [

Let's make the document once here

.\docs\make singlehtml

Generate rst file from py file

# "."Don't overlook it. The meaning of all the files in the directory.
sphinx-apidoc -f -o .\docs .

Change index.rst

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 2
   :caption: Contents:

   TestClass # <-The python file you want to add

Put the python file

- sphinx_test
    - docs
    - <--Put here

--Write the comment you want to document in docstring format

class TestClass:
    """Summary line.

    def testfunc(self, x, y):

            x (int): 1st argument
            y (int): 2nd argument

            int: sum result

            >>> print(testfunc(2,5))
        return x + y

Document make

--Same as before

.\docs\make singlehtml

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