I made a mosaic art with Pokemon images


In this article, I will introduce how to automatically create mosaic art using images of 18 Pokemon from the input image.

Advance preparation

  1. From Pokédex to 18 animals (aqua, black, blue, fuchsia, silver, green, lime, maroon, navy, olive, purple, red, gray, Select a Pokemon whose color is close to teal, white, yellow, beige, orange).
  2. After adding the background color using photoshop etc., adjust the size to 40x40.
3. Put the Pokemon image in image / or an appropriate directory.

Rough flow of processing

There may be a smarter way, but ...

  1. Divide the input image into 40x40 PhotoMosaic.java
  2. Take the color average of the image created in 1 GetAverage.java 3.2 Color reduction based on the color average of 2 ReduceColor.java Place the Pokemon of the color selected in 4.3 `PhotoMosaic.java`

I will implement it like that.


--The image import / export part is omitted.


import java.awt.image.*;
import java.awt.Graphics;

public class PhotoMosaic {

	static BufferedImage execute(BufferedImage before_image) {
		int width = before_image.getWidth();
		int height = before_image.getHeight();
		BufferedImage after_image = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_BGR);
		Graphics g = after_image.getGraphics();
		BufferedImage image[] = new BufferedImage[18];
        image[0] = JpegFileReader.read("image/white.png ");
        image[1] = JpegFileReader.read("image/fuchsia.png ");
        image[2] = JpegFileReader.read("image/lime.png ");
        image[3] = JpegFileReader.read("image/blue.png ");
        image[4] = JpegFileReader.read("image/black.png ");
        image[5] = JpegFileReader.read("image/maroon.png ");
        image[6] = JpegFileReader.read("image/olive.png ");
		image[7] = JpegFileReader.read("image/silver.png ");
		image[8] = JpegFileReader.read("image/red.png ");
		image[9] = JpegFileReader.read("image/green.png ");
		image[10] = JpegFileReader.read("image/navy.png ");
		image[11] = JpegFileReader.read("image/yellow.png ");
		image[12] = JpegFileReader.read("image/aqua.png ");
		image[13] = JpegFileReader.read("image/gray.png ");
		image[14] = JpegFileReader.read("image/purple.png ");
		image[15] = JpegFileReader.read("image/teal.png ");
		image[16] = JpegFileReader.read("image/beige.png ");
		image[17] = JpegFileReader.read("image/orange.png ");

		//Declare an array to hold the cropped image
		BufferedImage[][] split_image = new BufferedImage[width/40][height/40];

		for ( int i=0; i*40<width; i++ ) {
			for ( int j=0; j*40<height; j++ ) {
				//40 original images*Cut to 40
				split_image[i][j] = before_image.getSubimage( i*40, j*40, 40, 40 );
				//Take the color average of the cropped image
				int color_num = ReduceColor.detectColor(GetAverage.execute(split_image[i][j]));
				g.drawImage(image[color_num], i*40, j*40, null);
		return after_image;



import java.awt.image.*;
import java.awt.Color;

public class GetAverage{
  static int[] execute(BufferedImage image){
    int R = 0, G = 0, B = 0;
    // Average[0]->Red, Average[1]->Green, Average[2]->Blue
    int Average[] = new int[3];

    //Take the RGB values of the pixels to get the total
    for (int i=0; i<40; i++ ) {
      for (int j=0; j<40; j++ ) {
        int tmp_color = image.getRGB(i,j);
        Color color = new Color(tmp_color);
        R += color.getRed();
        G += color.getGreen();
        B += color.getBlue();

    //Find the average value of pixels
    Average[0] = (int)R/1600;
    Average[1] = (int)G/1600;
    Average[2] = (int)B/1600;
    return Average;


public class ReduceColor{

  static int detectColor(int[] Average){
    int R = getNearestValue(Average[0]);
    int G = getNearestValue(Average[1]);
    int B = getNearestValue(Average[2]);
    //An array to put the subscripts of the array of images to be converted
    int[][][] v = new int[256][256][256];
    v[64][64][64] = 4;    // black
    v[64][64][128] = 10;  // navy
    v[64][64][192] = 3;   // blue
    v[64][64][255] = 3;   // blue

    v[64][128][64] = 9;   // green
    v[64][128][128] = 15; // teal
    v[64][128][192] = 15; // teal
    v[64][128][255] = 3;  // blue

    v[64][192][64] = 2;   // lime
    v[64][192][128] = 15; // teal
    v[64][192][192] = 12; // aqua
    v[64][192][255] = 3;  // blue

    v[64][255][64] = 2;   // lime
    v[64][255][128] = 2;  // lime
    v[64][255][192] = 12; // aqua
    v[64][255][255] = 12; // aqua

    v[128][64][64] = 5;   // maroon
    v[128][64][128] = 14; // purple
    v[128][64][192] = 14; // purple
    v[128][64][255] = 3;  // blue

    v[128][128][64] = 6;  // olive
    v[128][128][128] = 13;// gray
    v[128][128][192] = 3; // blue
    v[128][128][255] = 3; // blue

    v[128][192][64] = 9;  // green
    v[128][192][128] = 2; // lime
    v[128][192][192] = 12;// aqua
    v[128][192][255] = 12;// aqua

    v[128][255][64] = 2;  // lime
    v[128][255][128] = 2; // lime
    v[128][255][192] = 2; // lime
    v[128][255][255] = 12;// aqua

    v[192][64][64] = 8;   // red
    v[192][64][128] = 1;  // fuchsia
    v[192][64][192] = 1;  // fuchsia
    v[192][64][255] = 14; // purple

    v[192][128][64] = 17; // orange
    v[192][128][128] = 16;// beige
    v[192][128][192] = 1; // fuchsia
    v[192][128][255] = 1; // fuchsia

    v[192][192][64] = 11;  // yellow
    v[192][192][128] = 11; // yellow
    v[192][192][192] = 0; // white
    v[192][192][255] = 12;// aqua

    v[192][255][64] = 12; // aqua
    v[192][255][128] = 2; // lime
    v[192][255][192] = 0; // white
    v[192][255][255] = 12;// aqua

    v[255][64][64] = 8;   // red
    v[255][64][128] = 8;  // red
    v[255][64][192] = 1;  // fuchsia
    v[255][64][255] = 1;  // fuchsia

    v[255][128][64] = 17; // orange
    v[255][128][128] = 16;// beige
    v[255][128][192] = 1; // fuchsia
    v[255][128][255] = 1; // fuchsia

    v[255][192][64] = 11; // yellow
    v[255][192][128] = 11;// yellow
    v[255][192][192] = 16;// beige
    v[255][192][255] = 16;// beige

    v[255][255][64] = 11; // yellow
    v[255][255][128] = 11;// yellow
    v[255][255][192] = 0; // white
    v[255][255][255] = 0; // white

    return v[R][G][B];

  public static int getNearestValue(int v){
		int num=0;	//Array subscript
		int difference;	//Array value-Absolute value of RGB value v
    int[] list = {64,128,192,192};
    // System.out.println("The value of v is"+v);
		difference = Math.abs( list[0] - v );
		for ( int i = 1; i < list.length; i++ ) {
			if ( Math.abs( list[i] - v ) < difference ) {
				num = i;
				difference = Math.abs( list[i] - v );
 		return list[num];



(Click to enlarge)

――It was quite difficult to reduce the color. Especially when it was light blue, it was judged to be white and it didn't work. ――The red color was relatively nice. ――Since there are only 18 colors, landscape photography is difficult.

Helpful articles

--Cut a part of the image using BufferedImage_getSubimage.

-WEB color list

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