[Docker-compose] Difference between env_file and environment. Priority of environment variable application

This is a personal memo.

Both env_file and environment are docker-compose.yml and ** specify environment variables ** at run time.

--Applies only when running (container creation). -** Not used in build (image creation) ** --If you want to specify environment variables during build, use build-> args.

## Difference between env_file and environment

-The method of reading and setting environment variables is different.

env_file ** reads the file containing the environment variables **.

For environment, ** describe variables directly in docker-compose.yml **.

env_file example

  - .env
  - .env.prd
  - .env.local.aws
  - ./common.env
  - ./apps/web.env

environment example

  - NODE_ENV=development
  - PORT=80
  - MIGRATE=true
  - USER=${USER}
  - AWS_REGION=ap-northeast-1

### ・ Different priorities

If the same environment variable is specified for each, ** environment setting takes precedence over env_file **.

If multiple files are specified in env_file or multiple duplicate variables are specified in environment, ** the last one has priority **.

If the host has an environment variable set, that value takes precedence.


Since the environment variable of the host has the highest priority, if the environment variable of the host is applied, it is necessary to change the environment variable name on the docker side.


The file path specified by env_file is based on the directory where docker-compose is executed.

** ▼ How to specify the file **

  1. When there is only one file env_file: .env
  2. When there are multiple files (even one)

In case of multiple

  - .env
  - .env.prd
  - .env.local.aws
  - ./common.env
  - ./apps/web.env

In one case

  - .env

** ▼ There are multiple ways to name files **

file name Contents
.env Default file name
.env.local.aws To head.env is attached
common.env behind.env is attached
./apps/web.env Files in the lower hierarchy

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