Implement a refined search function for multiple models without Rails5 gem.

Contents to be implemented

Implement pull-down condition selection of exact match, prefix match, suffix match, and partial match with the two models you want to search in the search form. (Reference image)

<img src=>


Since we will not create a model this time, we will create only the controller and view Execute rails g controller Seraches search with the command. Add get'users / search'=>'searches # search' to routes.rb

First of all, set up a search form.

views/View I want to fill in a search form

<%= form_tag(users_search_path, method: :get) do %>
    <%= text_field_tag 'search[content]' %>
   	<%= select_tag 'search[model]', options_for_select({ "user" => "user", "tag" => "muscle" }) %>
   	<%= select_tag 'search[how]', options_for_select({ "Perfect matching" => "match", "Prefix match" => "forward", "Backward match" => "backward", "Partial Match" => "partical"  }) %>
    <%= submit_tag 'Search', class: "btn btn-primary" %>
  <% end %>

Then implement the controller


def search
    @content = params['search']['content']
    @how = params['search']['how']
    @model = params['search']['model']
    @datas = search_for(@how, @model, @content)


  def match(model, content)
    if model == 'user'
      User.where(name: content)
    elsif model == 'muscle'
      Muscle.where(work_tag: content)

  def forward(model, content)
    if model == 'user'
      User.where('name LIKE ?', "#{content}%")
    elsif model == 'muscle'
      Muscle.where('work_tag LIKE ?', "#{content}%")

  def backward(model, content)
    if model == 'user'
      User.where('name LIKE ?', "%#{content}")
    elsif model == 'muscle'
      Muscle.where('work_tag LIKE ?', "%#{content}")

  def partical(model, content)
    if model == 'user'
      User.where('name LIKE ?', "%#{content}%")
    elsif model == 'muscle'
      Muscle.where('work_tag LIKE ?', "%#{content}%")

  def search_for(how, model, content)
    case how
    when 'match'
      match(model, content)
    when 'forward'
      forward(model, content)
    when 'backward'
      backward(model, content)
    when 'partical'
      partical(model, content)

Description of controller

Since I am searching the work_tag column of the Muscles table and the name column of the Users table, please change them for each individual.

    @content = params['search']['content']
    @how = params['search']['how']
    @model = params['search']['model']
    @datas = search_for(@how, @model, @content)

Separated commentary

-First of all, when the user executes a search from the view where form_tag is installed, searches_controller is called and the search contents sent from the view are stored in @content. ・ Store conditions such as exact match sent from view in @how ・ Store the model you want to search, such as the user sent from view, in @model -Invoke the search_for method to @datas and pass (@how, @model, @content) as an argument.

Look at search_for

def search_for(how, model, content)
    case how
    when 'match'
      match(model, content)
    when 'forward'
      forward(model, content)
    when 'backward'
      backward(model, content)
    when 'partical'
      partical(model, content)

'Match' is an exact match, and 'partcial' is a partial match, as you can see by looking at form_tag. -When the content of how is `'match'in the case statement, the match method is called in the serach_for method.

Let's look at the match method

def match(model, content)
    if model == 'user'
      User.where(name: content)
    elsif model == 'muscle'
      Muscle.where(work_tag: content)

-In the called match method, the contents of the stored model are conditional depending on whether it is user or muscle. -Of course, since it is an exact match, in the case of User, everything that matches the content and name columns sent from the form in ʻUser.where` is acquired -The match method is now executed and the result is stored in @datas.

Display search results


<% if @model == "user" %>
<div class="row  justify-content-center">
  <h2>User list</h2>
<div class="row  justify-content-center">
  <% @datas.each do |datas| %>
  <table class="table table-striped table-bordered">
	    	  <%= link_to, user_path( %>
	<% end %>

<% elsif @model == "muscle"%>
<div class="row  justify-content-center">
<table class="table table-striped table-bordered">
			<th>Tag list</th>
	    		<%= link_to datas.work_tag, muscle_path( %>
<% else %>
<% end %>

-Change the html to be displayed depending on whether the model is user or muscle in the if statement. -Turn the items stored in @datas with each do to display them in a list.


If you understand the method, you can easily implement it without gem. Please comment if there is something missing or unclear.

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