Rails API mode I tried to implement the keyword multiple search function using arrays and iterative processing.

Before it becomes a function

def keyword
    if params[:keyword]
      keywords = params[:keyword].split(/[[:blank:]]+/).select(&:present?)
      keywords.each do |keyword|
        offices = Office.where('name LIKE ? OR address LIKE ? OR near_station LIKE ? OR introduction LIKE ? OR company LIKE ?',"%#{keyword}%", "%#           {keyword}%", "%#{keyword}%", "%#{keyword}%", "%#{keyword}%")
      pagy, offices = pagy(Office.all)
    render json: offices, each_serializer: OfficeIndexSerializer, include: '**'

I was wandering around with such a description. The reason is that it is possible to search with one word, but with multiple keywords (for example, with a search method such as "Tokyo Fukuoka", you can only search with the letters Fukuoka.

What I was interested in

--I'm writing an iterative process using each statement, but it doesn't seem to work in the first place. ――I'm not sure if the contents of the where clause are correct ...

Final code

  def keyword
    if params[:city_id]
      offices = Office.where(city_id: params[:city_id])
    elsif params[:keyword]
      keywords = params[:keyword].split(/[[:blank:]]+/).select(&:present?)
      offices = []
      keywords.each do |keyword|
        offices += Office.where('name LIKE (?) OR address LIKE (?) OR near_station LIKE (?) OR introduction LIKE (?) OR company LIKE (?)',"%#{keyword}%", "%#{keyword}%", "%#{keyword}%", "%#{keyword}%", "%#{keyword}%")
      pagy, offices = pagy(Office.all)
    render json: offices

The strange thing is that I added ʻoffices = [] ``. An image of making a box to store keywords. Then I added () to ʻoffice + = Office.where`` and? In the where clause.

As a result, it was possible to establish a search function not only for a single-word keyword search such as "Tokyo" but also for multiple keywords such as "Tokyo Fukuoka Chiba".

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