[Rails] Implement the product purchase function with a credit card registered with PAY.JP


We have introduced PAY.JP to make credit card payments with a personal app. Regarding the function implementation, it is described as a memorandum.

Previous article Implement credit card registration / deletion function in PAY.JP


We have created a Card model and a Card controller to register card information up to the last time. This time, we will create a new purchase model and controller and perform the purchase process.


  1. Creating a model
  2. Create table
  3. Creating a controller

Creating a model

This time we will create an Order model.

class Order < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :user
  has_many :products, through: :order_details
  has_many :order_details, dependent: :destroy
  belongs_to :card
  belongs_to :address

  enum postage: {burden: 0, free: 1}
  enum status: {paid: 0,Preparing for delivery: 1,Delivered: 2}

  def add_items(cart)
    cart.line_items.target.each do |item|
      item.cart_id = nil
      line_items << item

Since I created an EC site, I have defined instance methods etc. because I have implemented cart functions etc., but this time I will omit it because I am focusing on the purchase function. So, one line of belongs_to: card is the part you want to use.

Creating a table

Make the migration file as follows.

class CreateOrders < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.2]
  def change
    create_table :orders do |t|
      t.references :user, foreign_key: true
      t.references :address, foreign_key: true
      t.references :card, foreign_key: true
      t.references :product, foreign_key: true
      t.integer :quantity, null: false
      t.integer :status, default: 0, null: false
      t.integer :postage, default: 0, null: false
      t.integer :price, null: false

The card is installed as a foreign key.

Creating a controller

We will create an Order controller. This time we will use two actions, new and create.

class OrdersController < ApplicationController
  before_action :set_cart
  before_action :user_signed_in
  before_action :set_user
  before_action :set_card
  before_action :set_address

  require "payjp"

  #Order entry screen
  def new
    @line_items = current_cart.line_items
    @cart = current_cart
    if @cart.line_items.empty?
      redirect_to current_cart, notice: "Cart is empty"
    if @card.present?
      customer = Payjp::Customer.retrieve(@card.customer_id)
      default_card_information = customer.cards.retrieve(@card.card_id)
      @card_info = customer.cards.retrieve(@card.card_id)
      @exp_month = default_card_information.exp_month.to_s
      @exp_year = default_card_information.exp_year.to_s.slice(2,3)
      customer_card = customer.cards.retrieve(@card.card_id)
      @card_brand = customer_card.brand
      case @card_brand
      when "Visa"
        @card_src = "icon_visa.png "
      when "JCB"
        @card_src = "icon_jcb.png "
      when "MasterCard"
        @card_src = "icon_mastercard.png "
      when "American Express"
        @card_src = "icon_amex.png "
      when "Diners Club"
        @card_src = "icon_diners.png "
      when "Discover"
        @card_src = "icon_discover.png "
      @order = Order.new

  #Registering an order
  def create
    unless user_signed_in?
      redirect_to cart_path(@current_cart), notice: "Please login"
    @purchaseByCard = Payjp::Charge.create(
    amount: @cart.total_price,
    customer: @card.customer_id,
    currency: 'jpy',
    card: params['payjpToken']
    @order = Order.new(order_params)
    if @purchaseByCard.save && @order.save!
      OrderDetail.create_items(@order, @cart.line_items)
      flash[:notice] = 'The order is complete. You can check the order history on My Page.'
      redirect_to root_path
      flash[:alert] = "The order could not be registered"
      redirect_to action: :new

  def order_params
    params.permit(:user_id, :address_id, :card_id, :quantity, :price)

  def set_user
    @user = current_user

  def set_cart
    @cart = current_cart

  def set_card
    @card = Card.find_by(user_id: current_user.id)

  def set_address
    @address = Address.find_by(user_id: current_user.id)

  def user_signed_in
    unless user_signed_in?
      redirect_to cart_path(@cart.id), alert: "You need to log in to proceed to the cashier"

The new action takes the form of a purchase confirmation page. If the user has not registered, the specifications are such that the purchase confirmation page cannot be visited in the first place. Moreover, it is a specification so that the user can register the card on My Page.

If you want to register the card for the first time on the purchase confirmation page, you may have the instance variable of the new action of the Card controller created in the previous article.

The create action requires the following: The contents are extracted for easy viewing.

def create
  @purchaseByCard = Payjp::Charge.create(
  amount: @cart.total_price,
  customer: @card.customer_id,
  currency: 'jpy',
  card: params['payjpToken']
  if @purchaseByCard.save
    flash[:notice] = 'The order is complete.'
    redirect_to root_path
    flash[:alert] = "The order could not be registered"
    redirect_to action: :new

When the purchase is completed above, the sales are also registered in PAY.JP as shown below. alt

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