Use hash to lighten collision detection of about 1000 balls in Python (related to the new coronavirus)

Use hash to lighten collision detection of about 1000 balls in Python (related to the new coronavirus)

The Washington Post-Online Articles

This ↓ Washington Post's article on infection simulation of the new coronavirus (explanation of the phenomenon)

Why outbreaks like coronavirus spread exponentially, and![Comment 2020-08-17 161543.png] how to “flatten the curve”

Inspired by, I made a program in Python where many balls collide. (By the way, this article seems to have been the most viewed article ever online at The Washington Post.) Pressing the spacebar will start the first infection. コメント 2020-08-17 163957.png

Pythonista version

Pythonisita version starts infection with spawn

スクリーンショット 2020-08-17 17.40.00.png

For the ball collision itself, see the following article of Simpson College Computer Science I used it as a reference.

The problem is that when you have about 1000 balls, the movement becomes very slow. Always one ball is the other This is because the collision is judged with all the balls.

Therefore, it is only necessary to judge the collision with the balls in the vicinity, but the balls in the vicinity are decided. Use Python hash function for. When calculating the intersection judgment of rays and objects in ray tracing etc., also in Oct Tree etc. It's like splitting a space.

What is a hash?

Roughly speaking, a hash is given a variable (a string, a number, etc.) that determines the name of the box in which it will be placed. A function (can it be called a function?) Can have multiple variables. In this case, give the two-dimensional coordinates (x, y) of the ball Then, the number of the box containing the position is given from the coordinate value. For example, if x and y are 1.24 and 3.24, respectively. You can truncate after the decimal point and put it in a box named (1,3). Position (1.55, 1.99) in this box Ball also fits in a box with the same name. The formula for determining the name of the box should be considered as appropriate according to the application. This hash is provided in Python, which is convenient!

In this way, if the crossing judgment is limited to balls that are in the same box, the calculation becomes much lighter. However, in reality, the size of the ball is large, so there is a center of the ball between adjacent boxes, and Consider the possibility of collision.

The following code worked for the time being, but since Pygame is used, that module is also Must be installed. With this code, if the ball collides and collides, it will always be infected Therefore, it will be infected explosively immediately, but the incubation period, onset stage, death, antibody acquisition, number of reproductions, etc. are set. There must be.

(However, we cannot guarantee that all of this code will perfectly reflect the collision of the ball.)


import pygame
import random
import math
#import numpy as np
#import copy
# Define colors
BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
BLUE = (90, 90, 180)
GREEN = (0, 255, 0)
RED = (255, 0, 0)
GREY = (50, 50, 255)

start_time = pygame.time.get_ticks()

class Ball:
    Class to keep track of a ball's location and vector.
    def __init__(self):
        # radius
        self.r = 4
        # diameter
        self.d = self.r * 2
        # position
        self.x = 0
        self.y = 0
        # velocity
        self.vx = 0
        self.vy = 0
        # color
        self.color  = (0, 255, 0)
        # neighbour
        self.px = False = False = False = False
def make_ball():
    Function to make a new, random ball.
    ball = Ball()
    # Starting position of the ball.
    # Take into account the ball size so we don't spawn on the edge.
    ball.x = random.randrange(ball.d, SCREEN_WIDTH - ball.d)
    ball.y = random.randrange(ball.d, SCREEN_HEIGHT - ball.d - 200)
    # Speed and direction of rectangle
    ball.vx = float(random.randrange(-2, 2)) * 0.2
    ball.vy = float(random.randrange(-2, 2)) * 0.2

    return ball
def main():
    main program.
    xval = 0
    bcount = 0
    #redcount = 0
    # Set the height and width of the screen
    screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size)
    # Loop until the user clicks the close button.
    done = False
    # Used to manage how fast the screen updates
    clock = pygame.time.Clock()
    # dictionary
    results = {}
    cell_size = 40
    ball_amount = 800
    # Spawn many balls
    for i in range(ball_amount):
        ball = make_ball()
        results.setdefault((int(ball.x/cell_size), int(ball.y/cell_size)), []).append(ball)

    screen.fill((20,20,20), rect=(0,SCREEN_HEIGHT - 250, SCREEN_WIDTH,SCREEN_HEIGHT))
    # -------- Main Program Loop -----------
    while not done:
        # --- Event Processing
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
                done = True
            elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
                # Space bar! Spawn a new ball.
                if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE:
                    ball = make_ball()
                    ball.color = RED
                    results.setdefault((int(ball.x/cell_size), int(ball.y/cell_size)), []).append(ball)
                if event.key == pygame.K_g:
                    ball = make_ball()
                    ball.color = (255,0,255)
                    results.setdefault((int(ball.x/cell_size), int(ball.y/cell_size)), []).append(ball)
        # --- Drawing
        # Set the screen background
        screen.fill(GREY, rect=(0,0,SCREEN_WIDTH,SCREEN_HEIGHT - 200 + ball.d))
        # Draw the balls
        cresults = {}
        for ky in results:
            blist = results[ky]
            blist2 = blist.copy()
            for bl in blist:
                if bl.px:
                    k = (ky[0]+1,ky[1])
                    if k in results:
                        ek = results[k]
                    k = (ky[0]-1,ky[1])
                    if k in results:
                        ek = results[k]
                    k = (ky[0],ky[1]+1)
                    if k in results:
                        ek = results[k]
                    k = (ky[0],ky[1]-1)
                    if k in results:
                        ek = results[k]
                if bl.px and
                    k = (ky[0]+1,ky[1]+1)
                    if k in results:
                        ek = results[k]
                if and
                    k = (ky[0]-1,ky[1]+1)
                    if k in results:
                        ek = results[k]
                if bl.px and
                    k = (ky[0]+1,ky[1]-1)
                    if k in results:
                        ek = results[k]
                if and
                    k = (ky[0]-1,ky[1]-1)
                    if k in results:
                        ek = results[k]
                for bl2 in blist2:
                    #if bl == bl2:
                    #    continue
                    # Circle Intersect 
                    sqDist = (bl2.x-bl.x)*(bl2.x-bl.x)+(bl2.y-bl.y)*(bl2.y-bl.y)
                    #if sqDist > 0 and sqDist <= ((BALL_SIZE)+(BALL_SIZE)):
                    #print(sqDist, math.sqrt(sqDist))
                    if sqDist > 0 and sqDist <= (bl.d*bl.d):
                    # detect collision
                        dist = math.sqrt(sqDist)
                        # vCollison
                        vc = ([bl2.x-bl.x, bl2.y-bl.y])
                        # vCollisonNorm
                        vcn = ([vc[0]/dist, vc[1]/dist])
                        # vRelativeVelocity
                        vrv = ([bl.vx-bl2.vx, bl.vy-bl2.vy])
                        speed = vrv[0]*vcn[0] + vrv[1]*vcn[1]
                        if speed > 0:
                            bl.vx -= speed * vcn[0]
                            bl.vy -= speed * vcn[1]
                            bl2.vx += speed * vcn[0]
                            bl2.vy += speed * vcn[1]
                            if bl.color == RED and bl2.color != RED:
                                bl2.color = RED
                                bcount += 1
                            if bl2.color == RED and bl.color != RED:
                                bl.color = RED
                                bcount += 1
                col = bl.color
      , col, [round(bl.x), round(bl.y)], bl.r)
                bl.x += bl.vx
                bl.y += bl.vy
                # avoid line y
                if bl.y > SCREEN_HEIGHT - 200 + bl.r:
                    bl.y = SCREEN_HEIGHT - 200
                    bl.vy = -bl.vy

                if bl.y < bl.r :
                    bl.y = bl.r
                    bl.vy = -bl.vy

                if bl.x < bl.r:
                    bl.x = bl.r
                    bl.vx = -bl.vx
                if bl.x <= 0 :
                    bl.vx = 0.1

                if bl.x > SCREEN_WIDTH - bl.r:
                    bl.x = SCREEN_WIDTH - bl.r
                    bl.vx = -bl.vx
                #Bounce the ball if needed
                if bl.y > SCREEN_HEIGHT - 200 or bl.y < bl.r:
                    bl.vy *= -1
                if bl.x > SCREEN_WIDTH - bl.r or bl.x < bl.r:
                    bl.vx *= -1
                # set key and get hash and append 
                cresults.setdefault((int(bl.x/cell_size), int(bl.y/cell_size)), []).append(bl)
                # check neighbour with new key
                bl.px = int((bl.x+bl.r)/cell_size) > int(bl.x/cell_size)
       = int((bl.x-bl.r)/cell_size) < int(bl.x/cell_size)
       = int((bl.y+bl.r)/cell_size) > int(bl.y/cell_size)
       = int((bl.y-bl.r)/cell_size) < int(bl.y/cell_size)

        # show stat
        timepassed = pygame.time.get_ticks()-start_time
        if timepassed % 12 == 0:
            if bcount > 0 and bcount < ball_amount:
                xval += 1
        #for res in results:
        #     a = results[res]
        #     for bl in a:
        #, WHITE, [round(bl.x), round(bl.y)], BALL_SIZE)
        #     break
        # Go ahead and update the screen with what we've drawn.
    # Close everything down
if __name__ == "__main__":

pythonista version

import  ui
from scene import *
import random
import math
import time
import sys
import os

# Define colors
BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
WHITE = (1, 1, 1)
BLUE = (0.5, 0.5, 0.8)
GREEN = (0, 1, 0)
RED = (1, 0, 0)
GREY = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)


class Ball:
		Class to keep track of a ball's location and vector.
		def __init__(self):
				# radius
				self.r = 3
				# diameter
				self.d = self.r * 2
				# position
				self.x = 0
				self.y = 0
				# velocity
				self.vx = 0
				self.vy = 0
				# color
				self.color  = (0, 1, 0)
				# neighbour
				self.nb = (False,False,False,False)
def make_ball(self):
			Function to make a new, random ball.
			ball = Ball()
			# Starting position of the ball.
			# Take into account the ball size so we don't spawn on the edge.
			ball.x = random.randrange(ball.d, self.size.width - ball.d)
			ball.y = random.randrange(270, self.size.height- ball.d-200)
			# Speed and direction of rectangle
			ball.vx = float(random.randrange(-2, 2)) * 0.2
			ball.vy = float(random.randrange(-2, 2)) * 0.2
			return ball
def button_tapped(sender):
class MyScene2(Scene):
	def setup(self):
		self.val = (0,0) = []
		self.last = 0
	def add(self):[1])
	def draw(self):
		for i in range(len(
					rect(40+i*2, 4, 2,[i]/4)
class MyScene(Scene):
	def setup(self):
		self.startTime = time.time()
		self.xval = 0
		self.bcount = 0
		self.last = 0
		#self.MySprite = SpriteNode(color = 'red', size = (32,32), parent = self) (100,0,50 ,30),parent=self) =  (200,500)
		self.results = {}
		self.cell_size = CELL_SIZE
		self.ball_amount = BALL_AMOUNT
		# Spawn many balls
		for i in range(self.ball_amount):
				ball = make_ball(self)
				self.results.setdefault((int(ball.x/self.cell_size), int(ball.y/self.cell_size)), []).append(ball)
		#		red ball
		#aball = make_ball(self)
		#aball.color = RED
		#self.results.setdefault((int(ball.x/self.cell_size), int(ball.y/self.cell_size)), []).append(aball)

		print("cell number  = ",len(self.results.keys())) 
		# disp hashmap data
		cnt = 0
		ad = 0
		ocl = 0
		for aky in self.results.keys():
				ad += len(aky)
				cnt += 1
				if len(aky) == 1:
						ocl += 1
		print("balls / cell = ", ad/cnt)
		print("1  ball cell = ", ocl)
		# scene view for stat = SceneView(frame=(0, self.view.height-250,self.view.width,250),flex='WH')
		self.s2 = MyScene2() = self.s2
		self.view.add_subview( = (0.9,0.6,0.7) = 3
		button  = ui.Button()
		button.frame = (110,100,120,30)
		button.action = self.button_tapped
		button.title = 'spawn'
		button.background_color = (0.6,0.3,0.5)
		button.tint_color = ('white')
	def button_tapped(self,sender):
			aball = make_ball(self)
			aball.r= 3
			aball.d = 60
			aball.color = RED
			self.results.setdefault((int(aball.x/self.cell_size), int(aball.y/self.cell_size)), []).append(aball)
	def draw(self):
		cell_size = CELL_SIZE
		#bcount = self.bcount
		background(0, 0, 150)
		# Draw the balls
				#self.cresults = {}
		cresults = {}
		for ky in self.results:
						blist = self.results[ky]
						blist2 = blist.copy()
						for bl in blist:
								skip = True
								if bl.nb[0] and bl.nb[1]:
										k = (ky[0]+1,ky[1]+1)
										if k in self.results:
												skip = False
								if skip and bl.nb[2] and bl.nb[1]:
										k = (ky[0]-1,ky[1]+1)
										if k in self.results:
												skip = False
								if skip and bl.nb[0] and bl.nb[2]:
										k = (ky[0]+1,ky[1]-1)
										if k in self.results:
												skip = False
								if skip and bl.nb[2] and bl.nb[2]:
										k = (ky[0]-1,ky[1]-1)
										if k in self.results:
								if bl.nb[0]:
										k = (ky[0]+1,ky[1])
										if k in self.results:
								if bl.nb[2]:
										k = (ky[0]-1,ky[1])
										if k in self.results:
								if bl.nb[1]:
										k = (ky[0],ky[1]+1)
										if k in self.results:
								if bl.nb[3]:
										k = (ky[0],ky[1]-1)
										if k in self.results:
								for bl2 in blist2:
										#if bl == bl2:
										#		continue
										# Circle Intersect 
										sqDist = (bl2.x-bl.x)*(bl2.x-bl.x)+(bl2.y-bl.y)*(bl2.y-bl.y)
										#if sqDist > 0 and sqDist <= ((BALL_SIZE)+(BALL_SIZE)):
										#print(sqDist, math.sqrt(sqDist))
										if sqDist > 0 and sqDist <= ((bl.r+bl2.r)*(bl.r+bl2.r)):
										# detect collision
												dist = math.sqrt(sqDist)
												# vCollison
												vc = ([bl2.x-bl.x, bl2.y-bl.y])
												# vCollisonNorm
												vcn = ([vc[0]/dist, vc[1]/dist])
												# vRelativeVelocity
												vrv = ([bl.vx-bl2.vx, bl.vy-bl2.vy])
												speed = vrv[0]*vcn[0] + vrv[1]*vcn[1]
												if speed > 0:
														bl.vx -= speed * vcn[0]
														bl.vy -= speed * vcn[1]
														bl2.vx += speed * vcn[0]
														bl2.vy += speed * vcn[1]
														if bl.color == RED and bl2.color != RED:
																bl2.color = RED
																self.bcount += 1
														if bl2.color == RED and bl.color != RED:
																bl.color = RED
																self.bcount += 1
								# draw shape
								ellipse(int(bl.x)-bl.r, int(bl.y)-bl.r, bl.r*2, bl.r*2)
								bl.x += bl.vx
								bl.y += bl.vy
								# avoid line y
								if bl.y > self.size.height - 200 + bl.r:
										bl.y = self.size.height - 200
										bl.vy = -bl.vy

								if bl.y < bl.r :
										bl.y = bl.r
										bl.vy = -bl.vy

								if bl.x < bl.r:
										bl.x = bl.r
										bl.vx = -bl.vx
								if bl.x <= 0 :
										bl.vx = 0.1

								if bl.x > self.size.width - bl.r:
										bl.x = self.size.width - bl.r
										bl.vx = -bl.vx
								#Bounce the ball if needed
								if bl.y > self.size.height - 200 or bl.y < bl.r + 260:
										bl.vy *= -1
								if bl.x > self.size.width - bl.r or bl.x < bl.r:
										bl.vx *= -1
								# set key and get hash and append 
								cresults.setdefault((int(bl.x/cell_size), int(bl.y/cell_size)), []).append(bl)
								# check neighbour with new key
								px = int((bl.x+bl.r)/cell_size) > int(bl.x/cell_size)
								mx = int((bl.x-bl.r)/cell_size) < int(bl.x/cell_size)
								py = int((bl.y+bl.r)/cell_size) > int(bl.y/cell_size)
								my = int((bl.y-bl.r)/cell_size) < int(bl.y/cell_size)
								bl.nb =(px,py,mx,my)

		#print(( =  (100,800)
		timepassed = time.time()-self.startTime
		if int(timepassed) != self.last and self.ball_amount > self.bcount:
			self.s2.val = (self.xval, self.bcount)
			self.last = int(timepassed)
			self.xval += 1
s=MyScene(), show_fps=True)
main_view = ui.View()
scene_view = SceneView(frame=main_view.bounds, flex='WH')

main_view.title = 'OverShoot'
main_view.tint_color = (0,0,0)
scene_view.scene = s

button  = ui.Button()
button.frame = (10,100,main_view.width-20,30)
button.action = button_tapped
button.title = 'quit'
button.background_color = (0.6,0.3,0.5)
button.tint_color = ('white')

#sv.background_color = (1,0,0)
main_view.present(hide_title_bar=False, animated=False)

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