ABC's A problem analysis for the past 15 times to send to those who are new to Python


This article analyzes ABC's A problem and is an article for beginners such as "Only if statements and operations can be used". Sometimes it spans multiple genres (eg AtCoder Beginner Contest 182). It's a good idea to solve the problem that says "typical problem".

Types of sentences to use

Operation (+,-, *, /, //,%)

AtCoder Beginner Contest 184 A.Determinant AtCoder Beginner Contest 182 A.twiblr AtCoder Beginner Contest 181 A.Heavy Rotation AtCoder Beginner Contest 180 AtCoder Beginner Contest 178 A.Not AtCoder Beginner Contest 177 A.Don't be late AtCoder Beginner Contest 173 A.Payment AtCoder Beginner Contest 172 A.Calc (typical problem)

min,max AtCoder Beginner Contest 185 A.ABC Preparation

if, else statement

AtCoder Beginner Contest 183 A.ReLU AtCoder Beginner Contest 182 A.twiblr AtCoder Beginner Contest 179 A.Plural Form AtCoder Beginner Contest 178 A.Not AtCoder Beginner Contest 177 A.Don't be late AtCoder Beginner Contest 174 A.Air Conditioner (typical problem) AtCoder Beginner Contest 173 A.Payment

Round up, round down

Round-up and round-down problems using math.ceil and int (//1 is acceptable) AtCoder Beginner Contest 176 A.Takoyaki

count The problem dealing with count can be solved by the combination of try and while True or the combination of if and for (the constraint of problem A does not TLE). Here, the problem that can be easily solved by using count is written only in count. AtCoder Beginner Contest 175 A.Rainy Season

in It is used to check if the elements in the list are included. (Here, in of for i in range is not included. AtCoder Beginner Contest 171 A.αlphabet

chr A built-in function that can create a list of alphabets. You can use [python] Create a list of different character types. AtCoder Beginner Contest 171 A.αlphabet


There are many combinations of if and else statements and operations (eg AtCoder Beginner Contest 177 A. Don't be late). Also, problems that use many min, max, and count can be ACed by using an if statement. Surprisingly, there were few problems dealing with for and while. Also, there are many problems that you can get AC if you execute it as you are told. Older contests, such as AtCoder Beginner Contest 022 A.Best Body, have more than 300 difficulty levels, but most recent contests have single-digit difficulty levels. (Refer to AtCoder Problems.)


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