[PYTHON] A solution to the problem that files containing [and] are not listed in glob.glob ()

I stumbled on glob.glob (), so make a note.


With glob.glob (), you cannot get the path containing [].


#=> [1].Does not match txt
glob.glob(r"d:\test\\[1\].*") # \[ \]You can't write


  1. Escape the path mask as follows
[ -> [[]
] -> []]
#=> [1].Matches txt

You can also use the following function instead of glob.glob ().

def escapeBraceForGlob(str):
    convert [ -> [[]  ,  ] -> []]
    newStr = str.replace("[","\\[").replace("]","\\]")
    newStr = newStr.replace("\\[","[[]").replace("\\]","[]]")
    return newStr

def globEscapeBraces(pathname):
    glob.glob() after escaping "[" and "]".
    return glob.glob(escapeBraceForGlob(pathname))
  1. Use os.listdir (). However, note that even the files in the subdirectories are listed.


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