Mixer, Python, Wendeltreppe

Ich kam mit der Idee, Würfel spiralförmig anzuordnen, zu beleuchten und die Kamera zu drehen. Insgesamt gibt es 124 Zeilen, von denen etwa 20 Würfel sind. Der Beleuchtungsteil und der Kamerateil werden von anderen wiederverwendet. Ich bin der Meinung, dass es verbessert werden muss, damit es eher wie eine Treppe aussieht. Video 1 Sekunde ist dieses Video auf Twitter. bph38.png

# nh38 ==5-stöckige Spirale. 2020.11.14
import bpy
import math
# ========= DELETE ALL mesh, light, camera,2 Zeilen, um alle zu löschen=========
for item in bpy.data.objects:
#==================Ungefähr 20 Reihen Würfel in einer Spirale anordnen
s_per_floor = 36 #s_per_floor: number of steps in each floor
#floors = 3 # floors==== number of floors (stories) 
floors = 5 # floors==== number of floors (stories)
floorheight = 3  # floorheight : height of each floor (meter)
xc = 2 # center x of double helix
yc = 2 # center y of double helix
zc = 0 # center z
radius1 = 5 

stepheight = floorheight / s_per_floor
totalsteps = floors * s_per_floor
for i in range(totalsteps):
    x1 = math.cos(6.28 * i / s_per_floor )*radius1 + xc
    y1 = math.sin(6.28 * i / s_per_floor )*radius1 + yc
    z1 = i *  stepheight +zc
    bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add(size=1, enter_editmode=False, align='WORLD', location=(x1, y1, z1), scale=(1, 1, 1), rotation=(0, 0, (6.28 * i / s_per_floor )))

# ============== "light" spot1, spot2, spot3
# create light datablock, set attributes
#light_data = bpy.data.lights.new(name="light_spot1", type='SPOT')
light_data = bpy.data.lights.new(name="light_spot1", type='SUN')
light_data.energy = 5
# create new object with our light datablock
light_object1 = bpy.data.objects.new(name="light_spot1", object_data=light_data)
# link light object
# make it active 
bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = light_object1
#change location
light_object1.location = (5, -10, 50)
light_object1.delta_rotation_euler = (1.3, 0, 0.3) #Schauen Sie direkt auf Null Null Null.
# update scene, if needed
dg = bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get() 

light_data = bpy.data.lights.new(name="light_spot2", type='SPOT')
light_data.energy = 20000
# create new object with our light datablock
light_object2 = bpy.data.objects.new(name="light_spot2", object_data=light_data)
# link light object
# make it active 
bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = light_object2
#change location
light_object2.location = (10, 10, 20)
light_object2.delta_rotation_euler = (0.1, 0, 0.3) #Schauen Sie direkt auf Null Null Null.
# update scene, if needed
dg = bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get() 

light_data = bpy.data.lights.new(name="light_spot3", type='SPOT')
light_data.energy = 20000
# create new object with our light datablock
light_object3 = bpy.data.objects.new(name="light_spot3", object_data=light_data)
# link light object
# make it active 
bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = light_object3
#change location
light_object3.location = (-5, 5, 20)
light_object3.delta_rotation_euler = (0.1, 0, 0.3) #Schauen Sie direkt auf Null Null Null.
# update scene, if needed
dg = bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get() 
# ================ end of light

#  ================== = camera movement START
bpy.ops.curve.primitive_bezier_circle_add(enter_editmode=False, align='WORLD', location=(5, 5, 25))
bpy.context.object.scale[0] = 30
bpy.context.object.scale[1] = 30
bpy.ops.object.empty_add(type='CUBE', align='WORLD', location=(0,0,0))
bpy.ops.object.camera_add(enter_editmode=False, align='VIEW', location=(0,0,0), rotation=(0, 0, 0))


bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = bpy.data.objects['Empty']


bpy.context.object.constraints["Follow Path"].target = bpy.data.objects["BezierCircle"]

bpy.context.object.constraints["Follow Path"].use_curve_follow = True
bpy.context.object.constraints["Follow Path"].use_fixed_location = True



#bpy.context.object.constraints["Track To"].target = bpy.data.objects["Cube.016"]
bpy.context.object.constraints["Track To"].target = bpy.data.objects["Cube.052"]
bpy.context.object.constraints["Track To"].up_axis = 'UP_Y'
bpy.context.object.constraints["Track To"].track_axis = 'TRACK_NEGATIVE_Z'  #5m00sec
#Camera Keyframe #(Insert keyframe to object's Offset Factor Python API - stack exchange)
bpy.context.scene.frame_current = 1
bpy.context.object.constraints["Follow Path"].offset_factor = 0
ob = bpy.context.object
# ob.constraints['Follow Path']
# bpy.data.objects['Empty'].constraints["Follow Path"]
# [bpy.data.objects['Empty'].constraints["Follow Path"]]
con = ob.constraints.get("Follow Path")
con.offset_factor = 0.0
con.keyframe_insert("offset_factor", frame=1)
con.offset_factor = 0.25
con.keyframe_insert("offset_factor", frame=8)
con.offset_factor = 0.50
con.keyframe_insert("offset_factor", frame=16)
con.offset_factor = 0.75
con.keyframe_insert("offset_factor", frame=23)
con.offset_factor = 0.99
con.keyframe_insert("offset_factor", frame=30)
# ==== END of camera movement

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