I thought it would be faster to make it than to listen to the explanation if I was not familiar with artificial intelligence about a year ago Udemy Artificial intelligence using Python I bought a video about how to make it, but I was frustrated because I couldn't install ** numpy ** properly (laughs). But I was able to use numpy in this environment! If you have the same problem, please refer to it. Even if it doesn't, I hope this article will be read by anyone who doesn't know what to do with python to build an environment, or who has programmed on a tablet.
I don't think anyone knows about it in this era, but if you create an account on google, you will be able to save 15G of capacity on the cloud for free. This time is the extension of that google drive? Let's run it in python using. * This time, I will not explain how to create a google account, sorry. There was an easy-to-understand explanation video on YouTube, so please go to here!
First of all, please log in to your google account and then open the drive to see it. When opened, it should look like the image below.
Then press New → Other → Add App. Then a window like the one below will be displayed.
Search for "** Colaboratory **" from the app search. Press the button to add the blue app at the bottom left. So if you reload the drive again, you can open New → Other → Colaboratory.
Now you are ready to go. It's that easy!
When you open Colaboratory, the window looks like this at first. 
Let's see if python can actually be used.
I found that I can use python firmly.
Finally, let's see if numpy can work. Let's see if we can use range, which is the basic function of numpy.
import numpy as np
number = np.array(range(1,10))
This time I found it when I was watching Tamatama YouTube, so I will post the link. It's quite interesting so please take a look. The order has been reversed, but thank you for reading the article until the end. I'm still inexperienced in programming, but if it's different, I'd be happy if you could push it.
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