Building a Python 3.6 environment with Windows + PowerShell

There are many other articles about building a Python environment ...

Yes, I'm a little bit sick. I couldn't find an installation method that meets the following conditions, so I'll keep it as a memorandum.

Why not use Anaconda?

Please guess

Why PowerShell?

Since Python 3.6, the console encoding has changed to UTF-8, and it seems that it also supports long paths, so this is an attempt to escape from the Paleolithic command prompt.

Venv for virtual environment

Since virtualenvwrapper-powershell only supports Python 2.7 and virtualenvwrapper-win does not support PowerShell, I will take this opportunity to try using venv.


Download and install from Official Site.

The default installation path is too long, so I changed it to C: \ Python36.

Change execution policy

Start PowerShell and do the following: This work only needs to be done once.

Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Force -Scope CurrentUser

Virtual environment (venv)

Creating a virtual environment

python3 -m venv <Virtual environment name>

Switching virtual environment

~\<Virtual environment name>\Scripts\Activate.ps1

Speaking of virtual environment in Python, virtualenv was the standard, but venv seems to be enough.

reference > Environment Construction Guide > Python in Windows environment > Environment Construction Guide > Python in Windows environment

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