[PYTHON] How to get started with Visual Studio Online ~ The end of the environment construction era ~

GitHub https://github.com/RZ-git/vso-test-environment

Visual Studio Online Getting Started Notes

  1. What is Visual Studio Online? It's a cloud version IDE, like Visual Studio Code that can be used as long as you have an internet environment.

  2. How to get started Jump to the official website https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/ja/services/visual-studio-online/ [Start] => [Create environment] Enter the environment name and the URL of the Git repository to be linked Select machine type Wait about 1 minute as the build starts when you create After that, I will add extensions.

  1. Fee structure You will be charged while connected Pricing system

  2. Try it The speed to build the environment is fast. Too fast. The environment required for development is ready in advance. I don't know if it will be updated. Git is also linked and of course installed.

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