J'ai essayé de faire beaucoup de hits en googlé avec "Circular Salesman Problem Genetic Algorithm".
Cet article est une description du code Python.
Enum représentant le croisement / la mutation
--ScrambleMutation ... Scramble --TranslocationMutation ... Translocation --SwapAdjacentPoints ... Permuter les points adjacents --SwapMutation ... Swap --InversionMutation ... Inversion --CyclicCrossover ... Cycle Crossover (CX)
Une classe qui représente les graines d'un vendeur. Contient les coordonnées de points bidimensionnels $ N $ et mesure la longueur et l'adaptabilité du chemin. Si vous souhaitez modifier le type de point ou comment le mesurer, vous pouvez dériver de cette classe.
--points ... Groupe de points. Si omis, un groupe de points aléatoires est utilisé --Nombre de points générés aléatoirement lorsque N ... points = Aucun --fig_projection ... Si vous souhaitez afficher l'itinéraire sur un graphe 3D, '3d'
--Species (points: np.ndarray = None, N: int = 10, seed = None) ... Constructeur --points ... Groupe de points. Si omis, un groupe de points aléatoires est utilisé --Nombre de points générés aléatoirement lorsque N ... points = Aucun --Seed of random number when seed ... points = None --_ prepare () ... Préparez-vous à calculer l'adaptabilité et la longueur. La distance entre l'origine et chaque point est mise en cache dans \ _to \ _origin, et la distance entre les points est mise en cache dans \ _distance \ _map. --measure (path) ... Calculer la longueur de l'itinéraire --path ... $ 0 \ dots Route représentée par N-1 $ -bonus (chemin) ... Calculer le bonus de l'adaptabilité de l'itinéraire --path ... $ 0 \ dots Route représentée par N-1 $ --penalty (path) ... Calculez la pénalité pour l'adaptabilité du chemin --path ... $ 0 \ dots Route représentée par N-1 $ --evaluate (path) ... Calculer l'adaptabilité de l'itinéraire --path ... $ 0 \ dots Route représentée par N-1 $ --plot_a_path (ax, path, plot_kwargs = {}) ... Afficher l'itinéraire sur le graphe --ax ... aire pour un graphe obtenue par matplotlib.pyplot.subplots () etc. --path ... $ 0 \ dots Route représentée par N-1 $
Représente un seul itinéraire passant par tous les points.
--espèces: Espèce ... Vendeur de semences --path: numpy.ndarray ... chemin --picked_indeces: numpy.ndarray ... Route représentée par un codage ordinal --fitness: flotteur ... adaptabilité --length: float ... Longueur du chemin
--Salesman (species: Species, path = None, pick_indeces = None) ... Constructeur --espèces ... graines de vendeur
C'est un ensemble de vendeurs pour une génération.
--espèces: Espèce ... Vendeur de semences
Recherche d'individus appropriés en changeant de génération.
--espèces: Espèce ... Vendeur de semences --generation: Génération ... génération actuelle --max_population: int ... Nombre de générations --nelites: int ... Elite Nombre d'individus sélectionnés --breeded_population: int ... nombre de descendants engendrés --leader_changed_epoch: int ... le numéro de la dernière génération à changer de haut --stop_epoch: int ... Le numéro de la génération qui a terminé la recherche
--Model (species: Species, max_population: int = None) ... Générer la 0ème génération et construire un modèle --espèces ... graines de vendeur --max_population ... Le nombre d'individus dans la génération. Si aucun, $ N (\ log_2 N) ^ 2 \ le N ^ 2 $ --fit (nepochs: int = None, loggers = ()) ... Recherche d'individus appropriés en changeant de génération --nepochs ... Nombre de changements générationnels. Si aucun, $ N (\ log N) ^ 2 \ le N ^ 2 $ --loggers ... Objets de classe enfant Logger qui stockent des informations lors des changements de génération --_ évoluer (epoch) ... Générer et sélectionner la prochaine génération de progéniture
Enregistre et trace les informations de fonctionnement de Model.fit ().
--_ is_subplot: bool ... True: Utilisez plot () pour faire l'exercice 1 et dessinez votre propre graphique. Tracez un graphique avec False -- nlogs: int ... Nombre de types d'informations à enregistrer
--log_begin (model: Model) ... fit () Traitement au démarrage --Traitement dans log_end (model: Model) ... fit () --log (model: Model, epoch: int) ... fit () Traitement à la fin --plot (ax = None, epochs = None) ... Dessine un graphique --ax ... aire pour un graphe obtenue par matplotlib.pyplot.subplots () etc. --epochs ... La génération utilisée pour le dessin graphique. Si aucun, (0e génération, 1/4 génération, 1/2 génération, dernière génération) --_ plot (ax = None, epochs = None) ... Une fonction qui dessine en fait un graphique dans une classe enfant --plot_all (loggers, epochs = None) ... Dessine toutes les informations sur le graphe --loggers ... Objets qui ont été transmis à Model.fit () pour collecter des informations --epochs ... La génération utilisée pour le dessin graphique. Si aucun, (0e génération, 1/4 génération, 1/2 génération, dernière génération)
Les classes enfants suivantes sont disponibles.
--Logger_trace (level: int = 1) ... Afficher la progression de Model.fit () --level ... 0: Ne rien afficher, 1: Afficher le résultat uniquement à la fin, 2: Afficher le point pendant l'exécution, 3: Afficher le résultat toutes les 10 générations --Logger_leaders () ... Trace le chemin supérieur de la génération --Logger_fitness () ... Dessine le sommet et la moyenne de l'adaptabilité générationnelle --Logger_population (show_breeded = False) ... Dessine la transition du nombre d'individus dans la génération --Dessiner le nombre de descendants générés --Logger_last_fitness_histgram () ... Dessine un histogramme de l'adaptabilité de la génération finale
--get_subplots (nax = 1) ... Renvoie une liste de plusieurs zones de graphique --nax ... Nombre de zones du graphique
Ce code a été vérifié dans Python 3.7.5 et Google Colaboratory.
En raison du manque d'espace, divers éléments ont été omis.
from datetime import datetime
import enum
import functools as ft
import itertools as it
import math
import random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D # enable if use 3D plotting.
import numpy as np
class Breed(enum.Enum):
ScrambleMutation = enum.auto()
TranslocationMutation = enum.auto()
SwapAdjacentPoints = enum.auto()
SwapMutation = enum.auto()
InversionMutation = enum.auto()
CyclicCrossover = enum.auto()
PartialCrossover = enum.auto()
OrderCrossover = enum.auto()
# OrderBasedCrossover = enum.auto()
PositionBasedCrossover = enum.auto()
# PartiallyMappedCrossOver = enum.auto()
# SubtourExchangeCrossOver = enum.auto()
# EdgeRecombinationCrossOver = enum.auto()
# EdgeAssemblyCrossOver = enum.auto()
SinglePtCrossover = enum.auto()
TwoPtsCrossover = enum.auto()
MultiPtsCrossover = enum.auto()
UniformCrossover = enum.auto()
SubstitutionMutation = enum.auto()
## Coords of customers, all of which each salesman must travel.
## Generic property of the Salesmans
class Species:
MIN_FITNESS = -100000
fig_projection = None # '3d' to plot a salesman's path on 3D
def __init__(self, points:np.ndarray=None, N:int=10, seed=None, *args, **kwargs):
if points is None:
points = np.random.randn(N, 2)
self.points = points
self.N = self.points.shape[0]
self.indeces = np.arange(self.N, dtype=int)
self._prepare(*args, **kwargs)
def _prepare(self, *args, **kwargs):
self._to_origin = np.sqrt(np.sum(self.points ** 2, axis=1))
self._distance_map = np.zeros((self.N, self.N), dtype=np.float)
for idx in range(self.N):
xy_dist = np.sqrt(np.sum((self.points[idx]-self.points[:])**2, axis=1))
self._distance_map[idx] = xy_dist
def measure(self, path, *args, **kwargs):
length = self._distance_map[path[:-1], path[1:]].sum()
length += self._to_origin[path[0]]
length += self._to_origin[path[-1]]
return length
def bonus(self, path, *args, **kwargs):
bonus = 0.0
return bonus
def penalty(self, path, *args, **kwargs):
penalty = 0.0
return penalty
def evaluate(self, path, *args, **kwargs):
length = self.measure(path=path, *args, **kwargs)
bonus = self.bonus(path=path, *args, **kwargs)
penalty = self.penalty(path=path, *args, **kwargs)
fitness = - length + bonus - penalty
return fitness, length
def plot_a_path(self, ax, path, plot_kwargs={}, *args, **kwargs):
coords = self.points[path]
ax.plot(coords[:,0], coords[:,1], **plot_kwargs)
ax.plot((coords[-1,0], 0, coords[0,0]), (coords[-1,1], 0, coords[0,1]), **plot_kwargs)
ax.scatter([coords[0,0]], [coords[0,1]])
abs_max_val = np.max(np.abs(self.points)) * 1.1
lim = (-abs_max_val, abs_max_val)
## Indivisual Salesman
class Salesman:
_breeders = None # initialized by Salesman.breed()
def __init__(self, species:Species, path=None, picked_indeces=None, *args, **kwargs):
self.species = species
self._fitness = None
self._length = None
self.__indeces = None
if path is not None:
self.path = path if isinstance(path, np.ndarray) else np.array(path)
self._picked_indeces = None
elif picked_indeces is not None: # encode picked_indeces to path.
self._picked_indeces = picked_indeces if isinstance(picked_indeces, np.ndarray) else np.array(picked_indeces)
indeces = np.arange(self.species.N, dtype=int)
self.path = np.zeros(self.species.N, dtype=int)
for idx, gene in enumerate(picked_indeces):
self.path[idx] = indeces[gene]
indeces[gene:-1] = indeces[gene+1:]
else: # generate new.
self.path = np.random.permutation(self.species.N)
self._picked_indeces = None
self._hash = tuple(self.path).__hash__()
def __hash__(self):
return self._hash
def __eq__(self, theother):
return self.__hash__() == theother.__hash__()
def __repr__(self):
return f'- fitness: {self.fitness:.3f}\n- length: {self.length:.3f}\n- path: {self.path}'
def picked_indeces(self):
if self._picked_indeces is None: # encode path to picked_indeces.
bits = np.ones(self.species.N, dtype=np.int)
self._picked_indeces = np.zeros(self.species.N, dtype=int)
for idx, p in enumerate(self.path):
self._picked_indeces[idx] = np.sum(bits[:p], initial=0)
bits[p] = 0
return self._picked_indeces
def fitness(self):
return self._fitness
def length(self):
return self._length
def _evaluate(self):
if self._fitness is None:
self._fitness, self._length = self.species.evaluate(self.path)
def _indeces(self):
if self.__indeces is None:
self.__indeces = np.zeros(self.species.N, dtype=int)
self.__indeces[self.path] = self.species.indeces
return self.__indeces
def plot(self, ax, show_title:bool=True, plot_kwargs={}, *args, **kwargs):
self.species.plot_a_path(ax=ax, path=self.path, plot_kwargs=plot_kwargs, *args, **kwargs)
if show_title:
title = plot_kwargs.get('label', '') + f': fit {self.fitness:.3f} / len {self.length:.3f}'
def sample_betters(salesmans, k:int, nelites:int=0, *args, **kwargs):
salesmans = salesmans if isinstance(salesmans, tuple) or isinstance(salesmans, list) else tuple(salesmans)
fits = np.array([s.fitness for s in salesmans])
# select some part of k by roulette.
fit_ave = fits.mean()
fit_std = fits.std()
weights = 1.0 / (1.0 + np.exp((fit_ave - fits) / fit_std))
k1 = k if nelites == 0 else random.randrange(k - nelites)
yield from random.choices(salesmans, weights=weights, k=k1)
# select elites.
if nelites > 0:
fit_elite = np.sort(fits)[-nelites]
yield from (s for s in salesmans if s.fitness >= fit_elite)
# select lest of k by roulette.
k2 = k - k1 - nelites
yield from random.choices(salesmans, weights=weights, k=k2)
def scramble_mutation(mother:'Salesman', father:'Salesman', *args, **kwargs):
idx0, idx1 = sorted(random.sample(range(mother.species.N-1), k=2)) # at least 3 points may be shuffled.
child1 = mother._scramble_mutation(idx0, idx1)
child2 = father._scramble_mutation(idx0, idx1)
return child1, child2
def _scramble_mutation(self, idx0:int, idx1:int, *args, **kwargs):
child_path = self.path.copy()
child = Salesman(species=self.species, path=child_path)
return child
def translocation_mutation(mother:'Salesman', father:'Salesman', *args, **kwargs):
idx0, idx1, idx2 = sorted(random.sample(range(mother.species.N+1), k=3))
child1 = mother._translocation_mutation(idx0, idx1, idx2)
child2 = father._translocation_mutation(idx0, idx1, idx2)
return child1, child2
def _translocation_mutation(self, idx0:int, idx1:int, idx2:int, *args, **kwargs):
child_path = np.concatenate((self.path[:idx0], self.path[idx1:idx2], self.path[idx0:idx1], self.path[idx2:]))
child = Salesman(species=self.species, path=child_path)
return child
def swap_adjacent_points(mother:'Salesman', father:'Salesman', *args, **kwargs):
indeces = np.array(random.sample(range((mother.species.N-1)//2), k=mother.species.N//10), dtype=int) * 2
child1 = mother._swap_adjacent_points(indeces)
child2 = father._swap_adjacent_points(indeces)
return child1, child2
def _swap_adjacent_points(self, indeces, *args, **kwargs):
child_path = self.path.copy()
child_path[indeces], child_path[indeces+1] = child_path[indeces+1], child_path[indeces]
child = Salesman(species=self.species, path=child_path)
return child
def swap_mutation(mother:'Salesman', father:'Salesman', *args, **kwargs):
idx0, idx1, idx2, idx3 = sorted(random.sample(range(mother.species.N), k=4))
child1 = mother._swap_mutation(idx0, idx1, idx2, idx3)
child2 = father._swap_mutation(idx0, idx1, idx2, idx3)
return child1, child2
def _swap_mutation(self, idx0:int, idx1:int, idx2:int, idx3:int, *args, **kwargs):
child_path = np.concatenate((self.path[:idx0], self.path[idx2:idx3], self.path[idx1:idx2], self.path[idx0:idx1], self.path[idx3:]))
child = Salesman(species=self.species, path=child_path)
return child
def inversion_mutation(mother:'Salesman', father:'Salesman', *args, **kwargs):
idx0, idx1 = sorted(random.sample(range(mother.species.N-1), k=2)) # at least 3 points may be reversed.
child1 = mother._inversion_mutation(idx0, idx1)
child2 = father._inversion_mutation(idx0, idx1)
return child1, child2
def _inversion_mutation(self, idx0:int, idx1:int, *args, **kwargs):
child_path = self.path.copy()
child_path[idx0:idx1+2] = np.flip(self.path[idx0:idx1+2])
child = Salesman(species=self.species, path=child_path)
return child
def cyclic_crossover(mother:'Salesman', father:'Salesman', *args, **kwargs):
child1_path = mother.path.copy()
child2_path = father.path.copy()
idx = random.randrange(mother.species.N)
val_1st = mother.path[idx]
val_next = -1
while val_next != val_1st:
val_next = father.path[idx]
child1_path[idx] = val_next
child2_path[idx] = mother.path[idx]
idx = mother._indeces[val_next]
child1 = Salesman(species=mother.species, path=child1_path)
child2 = Salesman(species=mother.species, path=child2_path)
return child1, child2
def partial_crossover(mother:'Salesman', father:'Salesman', *args, **kwargs):
child1_path = mother.path.copy()
child2_path = father.path.copy()
child1_indeces = np.zeros(mother.species.N, dtype=int)
child2_indeces = np.zeros(father.species.N, dtype=int)
idx0, idx1 = sorted(random.sample(range(mother.species.N+1), k=2)) # at least 3 points may be reversed.
for idx in range(idx0, idx1):
child1_indeces[child1_path] = mother.species.indeces
child2_indeces[child2_path] = father.species.indeces
pt1 = child1_path[idx]
pt2 = child2_path[idx]
child1_path[idx] = pt2
child2_path[idx] = pt1
child1_path[child1_indeces[pt2]] = pt1
child2_path[child2_indeces[pt1]] = pt2
child1 = Salesman(species=mother.species, path=child1_path)
child2 = Salesman(species=mother.species, path=child2_path)
return child1, child2
def order_crossover(mother:'Salesman', father:'Salesman', *args, **kwargs):
idx = random.randrange(mother.species.N)
child1 = mother._order_crossover(father, idx)
child2 = father._order_crossover(mother, idx)
return child1, child2
def _order_crossover(self, other:'Salesman', idx, *args, **kwargs):
head = self.path[:idx]
tail = np.delete(other.path, other._indeces[head])
child_path = np.concatenate((head, tail))
child = Salesman(species=self.species, path=child_path)
return child
def position_based_crossover(mother:'Salesman', father:'Salesman', *args, **kwargs):
flags = random.choices((0,1), k=mother.species.N)
child1 = mother._position_based_crossover(father, flags)
child2 = father._position_based_crossover(mother, flags)
return child1, child2
def _position_based_crossover(self, other:'Salesman', flags, *args, **kwargs):
child_path = self.path.copy()
swap_pts = self.path[flags == 1]
child_path[flags == 0] = np.delete(other.path, other._indeces[swap_pts])
child = Salesman(species=self.species, path=child_path)
return child
def single_pt_crossover(mother:'Salesman', father:'Salesman', *args, **kwargs):
return Salesman._n_pts_crossover(mother, father, 1)
def two_pts_crossover(mother:'Salesman', father:'Salesman', *args, **kwargs):
return Salesman._n_pts_crossover(mother, father, 2)
def multi_pts_crossover(mother:'Salesman', father:'Salesman', *args, **kwargs):
return Salesman._n_pts_crossover(mother, father, mother.species.N // 4)
def _n_pts_crossover(mother:'Salesman', father:'Salesman', k:int, *args, **kwargs):
indeces = [None] + sorted(random.sample(range(mother.species.N), k=k)) + [None]
child1_picked_indeces, child2_picked_indeces, *_ = ft.reduce(
lambda gs, ii: (gs[0] + gs[2][ii[0]:ii[1]], gs[1] + gs[3][ii[0]:ii[1]], gs[3], gs[2]),
zip(indeces[:-1], indeces[1:]),
([], [], list(mother.picked_indeces), list(father.picked_indeces)))
child1 = Salesman(species=mother.species, picked_indeces=child1_picked_indeces)
child2 = Salesman(species=mother.species, picked_indeces=child2_picked_indeces)
return child1, child2
def uniform_crossover(mother:'Salesman', father:'Salesman', *args, **kwargs):
indeces = mother.species.indeces[random.choices((0,1), k=mother.species.N) == 1]
child1 = mother._uniform_crossover(indeces)
child2 = father._uniform_crossover(indeces)
return child1, child2
def _uniform_crossover(self, indeces, *args, **kwargs):
child_picked_indeces = self.picked_indeces.copy()
child_picked_indeces[indeces] = self.picked_indeces[indeces]
child = Salesman(species=self.species, picked_indeces=child_picked_indeces)
return child
def substitution_mutation(mother:'Salesman', father:'Salesman', *args, **kwargs):
child1 = mother._substitution_mutation()
child2 = father._substitution_mutation()
return child1, child2
def _substitution_mutation(self, *args, **kwargs):
N = self.species.N
indeces = np.array([random.randint((idx-N)*N, N-idx-1) for idx in range(N)])
child_picked_indeces = self.picked_indeces.copy()
child_picked_indeces[indeces >= 0] = indeces[indeces >= 0]
child = Salesman(species=self.species, picked_indeces=child_picked_indeces)
return child
def breed(cls, breed:Breed, mother:'Salesman', father:'Salesman', *args, **kwargs):
if cls._breeders is None:
cls._breeders = {
Breed.ScrambleMutation: Salesman.scramble_mutation,
Breed.TranslocationMutation: Salesman.translocation_mutation,
Breed.SwapAdjacentPoints: Salesman.swap_adjacent_points,
Breed.SwapMutation: Salesman.swap_mutation,
Breed.InversionMutation: Salesman.inversion_mutation,
Breed.CyclicCrossover: Salesman.cyclic_crossover,
Breed.PartialCrossover: Salesman.partial_crossover,
Breed.OrderCrossover: Salesman.order_crossover,
# Breed.OrderBasedCrossover: Salesman.order_based_crossover,
Breed.PositionBasedCrossover: Salesman.position_based_crossover,
Breed.SinglePtCrossover: Salesman.single_pt_crossover,
Breed.TwoPtsCrossover: Salesman.two_pts_crossover,
Breed.MultiPtsCrossover: Salesman.multi_pts_crossover,
Breed.UniformCrossover: Salesman.uniform_crossover,
Breed.SubstitutionMutation: Salesman.substitution_mutation,
breeder = cls._breeders.get(breed, lambda *_: None)
return breeder(mother, father, *args, **kwargs)
## Group of Salesmans
class Generation:
def __init__(self, species:Species, salesmans, *args, **kwargs):
self.species = species
self.salesmans = salesmans if isinstance(salesmans, tuple) else tuple(salesmans)
self.leader = max(self.salesmans, key=lambda s: s.fitness)
self.population = len(self.salesmans)
def generate_0th(species:Species, population:int=1000, *args, **kwargs):
children = set(Salesman(species=species) for _ in range(population - 1))
children.add(Salesman(species=species, path=np.arange(species.N))) # add the original path (0, 1, 2, ..., N-1)
generation = Generation(species=species, salesmans=children)
return generation
## Model of Genetic Algorithm for Traveling Salesman Problem.
class Model:
def __init__(self, species:Species, max_population:int=None, *args, **kwargs):
self.species = species
self.max_population = int(species.N * math.log2(species.N)**2) if max_population is None else int(max_population)
self.nelites = self.max_population // 10
self.generation = Generation.generate_0th(species, self.max_population)
self.breeded_population = 0
self.leader_changed_epoch = 0
self.stopped_epoch = 0
self.breed_rates = {
Breed.ScrambleMutation: 0.6,
Breed.TranslocationMutation: 0.6,
Breed.SwapAdjacentPoints: 0.6,
Breed.SwapMutation: 0.6,
Breed.InversionMutation: 0.6,
Breed.CyclicCrossover: 0.6,
Breed.PartialCrossover: 0.6,
Breed.OrderCrossover: 0.6,
# Breed.OrderBasedCrossover: 0.6,
Breed.PositionBasedCrossover: 0.6,
Breed.SinglePtCrossover: 0.6,
Breed.TwoPtsCrossover: 0.6,
Breed.MultiPtsCrossover: 0.6,
Breed.UniformCrossover: 0.6,
Breed.SubstitutionMutation: 0.6,
def fit(self, nepochs:int=None, loggers=(), *args, **kwargs):
nepochs = int(self.species.N * math.log(self.species.N)**2) if nepochs is None else int(nepochs)
epoch_to_stop = nepochs
last_best_fitness = -1000000
any(p.log_begin(self) for p in loggers)
for epoch in range(nepochs):
evoluated = self._evoluate(epoch)
self.generation = Generation(species=self.species, salesmans=evoluated)
if self.generation.leader.fitness > last_best_fitness:
last_best_fitness = self.generation.leader.fitness
self.leader_changed_epoch = epoch + 1
epoch_to_stop = epoch + self.species.N
any(p.log(self, epoch+1) for p in loggers)
if epoch > epoch_to_stop:
self.stopped_epoch = epoch + 1
any(p.log_end(self) for p in loggers)
def _evoluate(self, epoch, *args, **kwargs):
children = set(self.generation.salesmans)
nparents = self.max_population - epoch * self.species.N // 10
mothers = Salesman.sample_betters(self.generation.salesmans, nparents, self.nelites)
fathers = Salesman.sample_betters(self.generation.salesmans, nparents, self.nelites)
for _ in (children.update(Salesman.breed(breed, mother, father))
for mother, father in zip(mothers, fathers) if mother != father
for breed, rate in self.breed_rates.items() if random.random() < rate):
self.breeded_population = len(children)
betters = set(Salesman.sample_betters(children, self.max_population, self.nelites))
return betters
## Loggers for Model.fit()
class Logger:
_is_subplot = True
_nlogs = 1
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
def log_begin(self, model:Model, *args, **kwargs):
self._logs = [[] for _ in range(self._nlogs)]
self.log(model=model, epoch=0)
def log_end(self, model:Model, *args, **kwargs):
self._stopped_epoch = model.stopped_epoch
def log(self, model:Model, epoch:int, *args, **kwargs):
def plot(self, ax=None, epochs=None, *args, **kwargs):
if epochs is None:
nepochs = self._stopped_epoch
epochs = (0, nepochs // 4, nepochs // 2, nepochs) if nepochs > 3 else (0, nepochs)
self._plot(ax=ax, epochs=epochs, *args, **kwargs)
def _plot(self, ax=None, epochs=None, *args, **kwargs):
def _plot_epoch_lines(self, ax, epochs, y_lim, *args, **kwargs):
for epoch in epochs:
ax.plot((epoch, epoch), y_lim, color='gray', linestyle=':')
def _offset_lim(self, y_min, y_max, *args, **kwargs):
offset = (y_max - y_min) / 20
return y_min - offset, y_max + offset
def plot_all(loggers, epochs=None, *args, **kwargs):
any(p.plot(ax=None, epochs=epochs, *args, **kwargs) for p in loggers if not p._is_subplot)
subloggers = [p for p in loggers if p._is_subplot]
if len(subloggers) > 0:
axes = get_subplots(nax=len(subloggers))
any(p.plot(ax=axes.pop(0), epochs=epochs, *args, **kwargs) for p in subloggers)
class Logger_trace(Logger):
_is_subplot = False
def __init__(self, level:int=1, *args, **kwargs):
self._level = level
self._trace = self._l3 if level == 3 else self._l2 if level == 2 else (lambda *_: None)
def log_begin(self, model:Model, *args, **kwargs):
self._st = datetime.now()
if self._level == 1:
print('start at', self._st.strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S'))
elif self._level == 2:
print('start at', self._st.strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S'), end='')
super().log_begin(model=model, *args, **kwargs)
def log_end(self, model:Model, *args, **kwargs):
et = datetime.now()
super().log_end(model=model, *args, **kwargs)
if self._level > 0:
print(f'\n- time: {str(et - self._st)[:-3]}')
print(f'- epoch: {model.stopped_epoch}({model.leader_changed_epoch})')
def log(self, model:Model, epoch:int, *args, **kwargs):
self._trace(model, epoch)
def _l2(self, model:Model, epoch:int, *args, **kwargs):
dot = '+' if epoch % 10 == 0 else '.'
print(dot, end='')
if epoch % 100 == 0:
ct = datetime.now()
print(f' fitness: {model.generation.leader.fitness:.3f}({model.leader_changed_epoch}) {str(ct - self._st)[:-3]}')
def _l3(self, model:Model, epoch:int, *args, **kwargs):
if epoch % 10 == 0:
print(f'{epoch}: {model.generation.leader}')
class Logger_leaders(Logger):
_is_subplot = False
def log_begin(self, model:Model, *args, **kwargs):
super().log_begin(model=model, *args, **kwargs)
self._original = Salesman(model.species, path=model.species.indeces)
self._projection = model.species.fig_projection
def log(self, model:Model, epoch:int, *args, **kwargs):
def _plot(self, ax=None, epochs=None, *args, **kwargs):
nplots = len(epochs)
axes = get_subplots(nax=nplots+1, projection=self._projection)
self._original.plot(ax=axes.pop(0), plot_kwargs=dict(label=f'original'))
for epoch in epochs:
self._logs[0][epoch].plot(ax=axes.pop(0), plot_kwargs=dict(label=f'{epoch}th'))
class Logger_fitness(Logger):
_nlogs = 2
def log(self, model:Model, epoch:int, *args, **kwargs):
self._logs[1].append(sum(s.fitness for s in model.generation.salesmans) / model.generation.population)
def _plot(self, ax, epochs=None, *args, **kwargs):
xs = np.arange(len(self._logs[0]))
ax.plot(xs, self._logs[0], label='best in the history', color=(0,0,1))
ax.plot(xs, self._logs[1], label='average of each generation', color=(0,0,1), linestyle='--')
y_lim = self._offset_lim(min(self._logs[0]), max(self._logs[0]))
self._plot_epoch_lines(ax, epochs, y_lim)
class Logger_population(Logger):
_nlogs = 2
def __init__(self, show_breeded:bool=False, *arggs, **kwargs):
self._show_breeded = show_breeded
def log_begin(self, model:Model, *args, **kwargs):
super().log_begin(model=model, *args, **kwargs)
self._max_population = model.max_population
def log(self, model:Model, epoch:int, *args, **kwargs):
def _plot(self, ax=None, epochs=None, *args, **kwargs):
xs = np.arange(len(self._logs[0]))
ax.plot(xs, [v for v in self._logs[0]], label='population')
if self._show_breeded:
ax.plot(xs, [v for v in self._logs[1]], label='breeded')
y_max = max(self._logs[1])
y_max = max(self._logs[0])
ax.plot((epochs[0], epochs[-1]), (self._max_population, self._max_population), color='gray', linestyle=':')
y_lim = self._offset_lim(min(self._logs[0]), y_max)
self._plot_epoch_lines(ax, epochs, y_lim)
class Logger_last_fitness_histgram(Logger):
def log_end(self, model:Model, *args, **kwargs):
super().log_end(model=model, *args, **kwargs)
self._logs[0] = [s.fitness for s in model.generation.salesmans]
def _plot(self, ax=None, epochs=None, *args, **kwargs):
ax.hist(self._logs[0], 20)
ax.set_ylabel('count of salesmans')
ax.set_title('fitnesses at last')
class Logger_breed_legend(Logger):
def _plot(self, ax=None, epochs=None, *args, **kwargs):
for breed, color, style in zip(Breed, it.cycle(self.COLORS), it.cycle(self.STYLES)):
ax.plot((0, 1), (0, 0), label=f'{breed.value} {breed}', color=color, linestyle=style)
ax.set_xlim((0.0, 1.0))
ax.set_ylim((0.0, 1.0))
## support functions.
def get_subplots(nax=1, *args, **kwargs):
rows = 1 if nax == 5 else (nax + 3) // 4
cols = 5 if nax == 5 else 4 if nax > 4 else nax
fig = plt.figure()
fig.set_figheight(rows * (20 // cols))
axes = [fig.add_subplot(rows, cols, ridx * cols + cidx + 1, *args, **kwargs) for ridx in range(rows) for cidx in range(cols)]
return axes
J'ai implémenté beaucoup de crossovers, ce qui allonge le code. Le résultat de l'exécution sera dans un article séparé.
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