Python hand play (division)

What is this article?

I thought I'd post just one word and wrote it. In a nutshell, if you want an integer solution for division, use "//" or "divmod".

Case study

Divide the number by 100 to get an integer.

Code before modification

result = int(value / 100)

Well, in most cases this works. However, it is NG with a large number.

Case of NG

>>> 38030123828366199/100

It's easy to understand.

Modified code

result = value // 100

OK case

>>> 38030123828366199 // 100

So, I wanted to see the boundary.

>>> 38030123828366199/100
>>> 38030123828366198/100
>>> 38030123828366197/100
>>> 38030123828366196/100
>>> 38030123828366195/100
>>> 38030123828366194/100
>>> 38030123828366193/100
>>> 38030123828366192/100
>>> 38030123828366191/100
>>> 38030123828366190/100
>>> 38030123828366189/100

I see, it's easy to understand. Depending on the mood of the last bit, it takes a discrete value. of course it is.

It's the same as the number of floating point numbers that can be held just before the limit is even. Let's be aware of the calculation accuracy. .. ..

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