Python hand play (argparse minimum code)

What is this article?

I started argparse. It's so easy ...

So, I wrote the minimum code to check the shape of the argument.

How amazing

I often forget how to call the code that I left behind. It's easy if it can be done with this much.

rem Call without arguments for the time being → Naturally an error → So usage is displayed
...\work> python
usage: python -input (inputfilepath) -output (outputfilepath) error: the following arguments are required: -input, -output

Execute rem usage as it is
...\work> python -input (inputfilepath) -output (outputfilepath)


def main():
    import argparse
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        usage='python -input (inputfilepath) -output (outputfilepath)'
    parser.add_argument('-input', required=True)
    parser.add_argument('-output', required=True)
    args = parser.parse_args()
    inputfilepath = args.input
    outputfilepath = args.output

if __name__ == '__main__':


Finally, maybe. I wanted such a function, and finally I started to think "Look for it!". I haven't had the habit of relying on external resources such as libraries made by other companies for a long time, so I finally started to think "search!" Instead of "make!". Well ... I think it's creating a new natural thing for me.

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