[PYTHON] Kaggle related summary

Here's a collection of information to help you capture Kaggle. (Scheduled to be updated at any time)

▪︎ website https://naotaka1128.hatenadiary.jp/entry/kaggle-compe-tips

◼︎ Mechanism Curry's commentary is easy to understand http://www.currypurin.com/entry/2018/02/21/011316

◾️ book Data analysis technology that wins with Kaggle https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B07YTDBC3Z/

◾️Booth kaggle tutorial 4th edition https://booth.pm/ja/items/1567594

■slack https://kaggler-ja.herokuapp.com

■discord Curry's

■wiki http://kaggler-ja-wiki.herokuapp.com/

■coursera https://ja.coursera.org/learn/competitive-data-science

◾️ Summary article kaggle api related https://qiita.com/uni-3/items/f1fdbeeddd08ca22c80f


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