[PYTHON] pytest summary


pip install pytest pytest-pep8 pytest-cov

2.write test code


import pytest

def TestClass:
	def pytest_funcarg__hoge(request):
		return Hoge(1)
	def test_type(self, hoge):
		assert isinstance(hoge, Hoge)

pytest_funcarg__hoge is like setup, which is executed at each test execution and passed as a test argument. It's convenient because you don't need self.hoge. However, this is an old style, and using a decorator is a new way.


import pytest

def TestClass:
	def hoge(request):
		return Hoge(1)
	def test_type(self, hoge):
		assert isinstance(hoge, Hoge)

3.run tests

py.test --verbose --cov . --cov-report=html --pep8

4.write production code


class Hoge:
	def __init__(self, v):
		self.val = v

5.write test code


class MockClass:
	def method1(self, p1, p2):
class TestClass:
	def mockclass(request):
		return MockClass()
	def test_method1(self, mockclass, monkeypatch):
		monkeypatch.setattr(module1, 'method1', mockclass.method1)
		val = module1.method1(p1, p2)
		assert val == "..."

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