This page is
Move the Tello-Python sample "Tello_Video"
This is a supplementary page of.
I mean, not only for "Tello_Video", If you want to do "Tello-Python" on Windows, you need to do this first, including installing Python.
Of the DJI official Python sample program "Tello-Python" for Tello Tello_Video In order to try
--Installation of various dependent libraries
You need to do.
As an installation method, git's Tello-Python page
・ Windows
Go to the "install\Windows" folder,select and run the correct "windows_install.bat" according to your computer operating system bits.
is what it reads. That is,
Move folders, change file attributes, execute shell files
> cd install¥Windows¥
> windows_install.bat
And type the command. ** windows_install.bat ** </ font> is a batch file that automatically builds the environment for Windows.
But even if you do this
--The specified Python version is 2.7.15. I want to install the final version 2.7.17 anyway --In automatically installed Python, pip cannot be used at the command prompt, so you need to manually install it again. --The specified ffmpeg version is old and the file does not exist, so it cannot be downloaded. --Boost download does not work and an error occurs --Visual Studio runtime download does not work and an error occurs ――Since MD5 of the downloaded file is checked one by one, it is difficult to correspond to different versions.
Well, there are a lot of bugs / troubles. Various work is required to solve this.
Tello-Python is installed in your home folder (c: \ Users \ (user name) ),
That is, we will assume that there is a folder called c: \ Users \ (user name) \ Tello-Python-master
--Start Windows Command Prompt --Changing the character code of the text file (actually the BAT file)
It is also a major premise that you have the skills to understand. Windows is convenient, but if you try to do something strange, it's a tough environment (> _ <
First, in Explorer, move to the install \ Windows folder in Tello-Video.
Inside the folder are ʻinstall.bat
and ʻuninstall.bat
** Please note that using this install.bat will not work. </ font> **
Using this folder as a work area, we will perform the following tasks.
Windows BAT files do not work well unless the character code is Shift-JIS. (I hate Windows because of this annoyance)
** Copy and paste the following code into Notepad, select [File]-[Save As], and select [Character Code]-[ANSI] to save. </ font> ** If you are using any text editor, save it with [Shift-JIS]. The file name is ʻinstall_new2020Mar12.bat`.
For the time being, the file is also placed on github, but the character code is UTF-8. , Cannot be used as it is. Please convert the character code to [Shift-JIS].
@echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
::runas administrator
%1 start "" mshta vbscript:CreateObject("Shell.Application").ShellExecute("cmd.exe","/c %~s0 ::","","runas",1)(window.close)&&exit
call :setdir
call :configx86orx64
set extract=extract
set pythonLib="C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\"
set /a maxRetry=3
set /a retryCount=0
echo ------------------------------------------------------
::-------------------down python2.7 and install-------------------
echo ------------------------------------------------------
echo Downloading python2.7
echo ------------------------------------------------------
::This registry key is used to enable support for multiple versions of ssl and tls and is used to resolve an issue that denies access to the official Python website.
REG ADD "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings" /v SecureProtocols /t REG_DWORD /d 2728 /f >nul
set /a retryCount=0
for %%# in (certutil.exe) do (
if not exist "%%~f$PATH:#" (
goto downpython
if exist %pythonPackage% goto :downpythoncheck
call :down %pythonDown% %pythonPackage%
call :checkMD5 %pythonPackage% %pythonMD5% MD5pass
if "%MD5pass%" == "NO" (
set /a retryCount=!retryCount!+1 && if !retryCount! == %maxRetry% (
echo Retried %maxRetry% times, all failed. Skip.
goto downpythonend
) else (
echo Download %pythonPackage% failed. Retrying... !retryCount! of %maxRetry%
goto downpython
call :installmsiPackage %pythonPackage%
::python2.7 Add environment variables
::wmic doesn't take effect right away, so set
echo %PATH%|findstr "c:\python27" >nul
if %errorlevel% neq 0 (
wmic ENVIRONMENT where "name='PATH' and username='<system>'" set VariableValue="%PATH%;c:\python27"
set "path=%path%;c:\python27;"
echo %PATHEXT%|findstr ".PY;.PYM" >nul
if %errorlevel% neq 0 (
wmic ENVIRONMENT where "name='PATHEXT' and username='<system>'" set VariableValue="%PATHEXT%;.PY;.PYM"
set "pathext=%pathext%;.PY;.PYM;"
::-------------------python pip installation-------------------
echo ------------------------------------------------------
echo Downloading pip
echo ------------------------------------------------------
set /a retryCount=0
for %%# in (certutil.exe) do (
if not exist "%%~f$PATH:#" (
goto downpip
if exist %pipPackage% goto :downpipcheck
call :down %pipDown% %pipPackage%
call :checkMD5 %pipPackage% %pipMD5% MD5pass
if "%MD5pass%" == "NO" (
set /a retryCount=!retryCount!+1 && if !retryCount! == %maxRetry% (
echo Retried %maxRetry% times, all failed. Skip.
goto downpipend
) else (
echo Download %pipPackage% failed. Retrying... !retryCount! of %maxRetry%
goto downpip
python %pipPackage%
python -m pip install -U pip
::-------------------libboost-all-install dev-------------------
echo ------------------------------------------------------
echo Downloading libboost
echo ------------------------------------------------------
echo Please wait a few minutes...
set /a retryCount=0
for %%# in (certutil.exe) do (
if not exist "%%~f$PATH:#" (
goto downlibboost
if exist %libboostPackage% goto :downlibboostcheck
call :down %libboostDown% %libboostPackage%
call :checkMD5 %libboostPackage% %libboostMD5% MD5pass
if "%MD5pass%" == "NO" (
set /a retryCount=!retryCount!+1 && if !retryCount! == %maxRetry% (
echo Retried %maxRetry% times, all failed. Skip.
goto downlibboostend
) else (
echo Download %libboostPackage% failed. Retrying... !retryCount! of %maxRetry%
goto downlibboost
call %libboostPackage% /SILENT /NORESTART
::-------------------Install ffmpeg on Linux libavcodec-dev libswscale-Depends on two of dev-------------------
echo ------------------------------------------------------
echo Downloading ffmpeg
echo ------------------------------------------------------
set /a retryCount=0
for %%# in (certutil.exe) do (
if not exist "%%~f$PATH:#" (
goto downffmpeg
if exist %ffmpegPackage% goto :downffmpegcheck
call :down %ffmpegDown% %ffmpegPackage%
call :checkMD5 %ffmpegPackage% %ffmpegMD5% MD5pass
if "%MD5pass%" == "NO" (
set /a retryCount=!retryCount!+1 && if !retryCount! == %maxRetry% (
echo Retried %maxRetry% times, all failed. Skip.
goto downffmpegend
) else (
echo Download %ffmpegPackage% failed. Retrying... !retryCount! of %maxRetry%
goto downffmpeg
call :unpack %ffmpegPackage% %extract%
echo ------------------------------------------------------
echo Downloading VS2013 runtime
echo ------------------------------------------------------
set /a retryCount=0
for %%# in (certutil.exe) do (
if not exist "%%~f$PATH:#" (
goto downvs2013
if exist %vs2013package% goto :downvs2013check
call :down %vs2013depend% %vs2013package%
call :checkMD5 %vs2013package% %vs2013MD5% MD5pass
if "%MD5pass%" == "NO" (
set /a retryCount=!retryCount!+1 && if !retryCount! == %maxRetry% (
echo Retried %maxRetry% times, all failed. Skip.
goto downvs2013end
) else (
echo Download %vs2013package% failed. Retrying... !retryCount! of %maxRetry%
goto downvs2013
call %vs2013package% /passive /NORESTART
::-------------------python-numpy python-matplotlib opencv-python installation(pip method)-------------------
echo ------------------------------------------------------
echo Downloading numpy
echo ------------------------------------------------------
python -m pip install numpy
echo ------------------------------------------------------
echo Downloading matplotlib
echo ------------------------------------------------------
python -m pip install matplotlib
echo ------------------------------------------------------
echo Downloading opencv-python
echo ------------------------------------------------------
python -m pip install -v opencv-python==
echo ------------------------------------------------------
echo Downloading pillow
echo ------------------------------------------------------
python -m pip install pillow
::-------------------C: All dlls in dependent libraries\ python27 \ lib \ site-Place in packages-------------------
echo ------------------------------------------------------
echo Copying dependencies
echo ------------------------------------------------------
echo %extract%\%ffmpegPackage:~0,-4%\bin\
echo %libboostPackageCopy%
echo %libh264%
xcopy /Y /E /I %extract%\%ffmpegPackage:~0,-4%\bin\*.dll %pythonLib%
xcopy /Y /E /I %libboostPackageCopy% %pythonLib%
xcopy /Y /E /I %libh264%\*.pyd %pythonLib%
echo ------------------------------------------------------
echo Installation done.
echo ------------------------------------------------------
goto :eof
::-----------------Below is the MD5 check definition area------------------
set file=%~1
call :MD5get %file% MD5
if "%MD5%" equ "%~2" (
echo MD5 identical.
set "%~3=YES"
) else (
if "%MD5%" equ "skip" (
echo MD5 check skipped.
set "%~3=YES"
) else (
echo Warning: MD5 does not match!
set "%~3=NO"
goto :eof
::-----------------Below is the MD5 check definition area------------------
echo %~1
for %%# in (certutil.exe) do (
if not exist "%%~f$PATH:#" (
echo certutil.exe not found
echo for Windows XP professional and Windows 2003
echo you need Windows Server 2003 Administration Tools Pack
echo now skip the MD5 check
if "%~2" neq "" (
set "%~2=skip"
::exit /b 4
goto :eof
set "md5="
for /f "skip=1 tokens=* delims=" %%# in ('certutil -hashfile "%~f1" MD5') do (
if not defined md5 (
for %%Z in (%%#) do set "md5=!md5!%%Z"
if "%~2" neq "" (
set "%~2=%md5%"
) else (
echo %md5%
goto :eof
::-----------------The following is the directory switching definition area------------------
::Running in admin mode will change the default path and return the directory here
set char=%~dp0%
cd %~dp0%
goto :eof
::-----------------The following is the version function definition area------------------
set versionFlag=win64
) else (
set versionFlag=win32
echo Windows Version: %versionFlag%
if %versionFlag%==win64 (
set pythonDown=""
set pythonPackage=python-2.7.17.amd64.msi
set pythonMD5="55040ce1c1ab34c32e71efe9533656b8"
set pipDown=""
set pipMD5="b7666e8e7f98f513096601d4203fb007"
set ffmpegDown=""
set ffmpegMD5="500f89e0a230c26722bb128edc82d103"
set libboostDown=""
set libboostPackage="boost_1_68_0-msvc-12.0-64.exe"
set libboostPackageCopy="c:\local\boost_1_68_0\lib64-msvc-12.0\boost_python27-vc120-mt-x64-1_68.dll"
set libboostMD5="4e6b11a971502639ba5cc564c7f2d568"
set libh264=..\..\h264decoder\windows\x64
set vs2013depend=""
set vs2013package=vcredist_x64.exe
set vs2013MD5="96b61b8e069832e6b809f24ea74567ba"
) else (
set pythonDown=""
set pythonPackage=python-2.7.17.msi
set pythonMD5="4cc27e99ad41cd3e0f2a50d9b6a34f79"
set pipDown=""
set pipMD5="b7666e8e7f98f513096601d4203fb007"
set ffmpegDown=""
set ffmpegMD5="bc9eae5466ca033e54588d7c25fe3ea9"
set libboostDown=""
set libboostPackage="boost_1_68_0-msvc-12.0-32.exe"
set libboostPackageCopy="c:\local\boost_1_68_0\lib32-msvc-12.0\boost_python27-vc120-mt-x32-1_68.dll"
set libboostMD5="d5d5ee205c87078245eb7df72789f407"
set libh264=..\..\h264decoder\windows\x86
set vs2013depend=""
set vs2013package=vcredist_x86.exe
set vs2013MD5="0fc525b6b7b96a87523daa7a0013c69d"
goto :eof
::-----------------This is the h264 function definition area------------------
cd h264decoder
if exist build (
rd /s /q build
mkdir build
) else (
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
goto :eof
::-----------------The following is the download function definition area------------------
echo Source: "%~1"
echo Destination: "%~f2"
echo Start downloading "%~2"...
cscript -nologo -e:jscript "%~f0" "download" "%~1" "%~2"
::echo Download "%~2" OK!
echo ------------------------------------------------------
goto :eof
::-----------------The definition area of the decompression function is as follows:------------------
echo Source: "%~f1"
echo Destination: "%~f2"
echo Start unpacking "%~1"...
cscript -nologo -e:jscript "%~f0" "unpack" "%~1" "%~2" "%~dp0"
echo Unpack "%~1" OK!
echo ------------------------------------------------------
goto :eof
::-----------------The following is the installation function definition area-----------------
echo Source: "%~f1"
echo Strat installing "%~f1"...
msiexec /i "%~f1" /passive
echo install "%~1" OK!
echo ------------------------------------------------------
goto :eof
function download(DownSource, DownDestination)
var DownPost
//DownPost = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2"+String.fromCharCode(0x2e)+"ServerXMLHTTP");
//DownPost = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft"+String.fromCharCode(0x2e)+"XMLHTTP");
//DownPost.setOption(2, 13056);
var DownPost=null;
DownPost=new XMLHttpRequest();
DownPost=new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
DownPost.setOption(2, 13056);
DownPost=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
DownGet = new ActiveXObject("ADODB"+String.fromCharCode(0x2e)+"Stream");
DownGet.Mode = 3;
DownGet.Type = 1;
function unpack(PackedFileSource, UnpackFileDestination, ParentFolder)
var FileSysObject = new Object
,ShellObject = new ActiveXObject("Shell.Application")
,intOptions = 4 + 16
if (!UnpackFileDestination) UnpackFileDestination = '.';
var FolderTest = ShellObject.NameSpace(ParentFolder + UnpackFileDestination);
FileSysObject = ShellObject.NameSpace(ParentFolder);
while (!FolderTest)
WSH.Echo ('Unpack Destination Folder Not Exist, Creating...');
FolderTest = ShellObject.NameSpace(ParentFolder + UnpackFileDestination);
if (FolderTest)
WSH.Echo('Unpack Destination Folder Created.');
DestinationObj = ShellObject.NameSpace(ParentFolder + UnpackFileDestination);
SourceObj = ShellObject.NameSpace(ParentFolder + PackedFileSource);
for (var i = 0; i < SourceObj.Items().Count; i++)
try {
if (SourceObj) {
WSH.Echo('Unpacking ' + SourceObj.Items().Item(i) + '... ');
DestinationObj.CopyHere(SourceObj.Items().Item(i), intOptions);
WSH.Echo('Unpack ' + SourceObj.Items().Item(i) + ' Done.');
catch(e) {
WSH.Echo('Failed: ' + e);
switch (WScript.Arguments(0)){
case "download":
download(WScript.Arguments(1), WScript.Arguments(2));
case "unpack":
unpack(WScript.Arguments(1), WScript.Arguments(2), WScript.Arguments(3));
** However, please do not start the installation with this bat file yet. </ font> ** In most cases it doesn't work.
It is safe to manually download the dependent libraries specified in the bat file and put them in the same folder.
Download the following file and place it in the above folder.
For 64-bit Windows:
Right-click on
and use [Save As]. You cannot download sourceforge by right-clicking [Save As], so click the link to open the page.
For 32-bit Windows:"
Right-click on
and use [Save As]. You cannot download sourceforge by right-clicking [Save As], so click the link to open the page.
By manually downloading these files, you can prevent execution errors in the bat file.
It should look like this in the folder where all the files have been downloaded. (For 64bit)
Then, double-click ʻinstall_new2020Mar12.bat` to start the installation.
Is done automatically.
If the installation is successful, the command prompt screen will be displayed as shown below.
** If the command prompt closes in an instant, it has failed because the character code is not Shift-JIS. </ font> **
After the installation is complete, ** restart your PC **. The environment variables have been added so that they can be enabled.
When the installation is completed with the BAT file, at the command prompt
>pip install module name
Even if you type, it will be "File does not exist".
Then, double-click python-2.7.17.amd64.msi
(for 64bit) to start the installer.
As shown in the figure below, enable "Add python.exe to Path" and reinstall.
To execute "Tello_Video", at the command prompt
> python
You can type, but
A convenient part of Windows is [Execute Association].
as shown in the figure below to execute the program.
The execution screen will appear like this. Details are explained in Running the Tello-Python sample "Tello_Video".
Windows preferences are really "troublesome" (> _ <