Install Bash on Ubuntu on Windows, Ruby, Python, Jupyter, etc.


While I was changing the environment settings of my computer, I couldn't use gnuplot or Narray of Ruby on Cygwin, so I decided to replace it with bash. I also installed Python and Jupyter.

Install Bash on Ubuntu on Windows

I referred to this article. Let's install Bash on Ubuntu on Windows!
Set to developer mode
Open "Settings"-> "Update and Security"-> "For Developers" and select "Developer Mode". Start a command prompt, type bash and press Enter to start the installation. The installation took a few minutes.

Ruby installation

Try to build a Rails environment with windows bash. (Windows 10 Anniversary Update version) Please refer to. If you can install Ruby safely gem install narray I typed to install Narray. You can now use Narray in Ruby. About gnuplot

gem install gnuplot```
 I entered.
# Installation of Python etc.
 The reference article is
 [3] <a href=""> Run Tensorflow from Jupyter Notebook on Bash on Ubuntu on Windows </a>
 [4] <a href=""> Notes for using TensorFlow on Bash on Ubuntu on Windows </a>
 <br> Installing pyenv <br>
```sudo aptitude install git
git clone ~/.pyenv
echo 'export PYENV_ROOT="$HOME/.pyenv"' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'export PATH="$PYENV_ROOT/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'eval "$(pyenv init -)"' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc```
 To install pyenv.
 <br> Installing Anaconda <br>
```pyenv install --list```
 I searched for the latest version of Anaconda and installed 3-4.4.0 with the default settings.

#### **`pyenv install anaconda3-4.4.0`**

pyenv global anaconda3-4.4.0 pyenv rehash``` From the page ** /Xming-fonts/ ** ** /Xming-fonts/ ** Download. After that, in Bash on Ubuntu on Windows, enter X11 with the following command and write the DISPLAY setting in .bashrc.

echo 'export DISPLAY=localhost:0.0' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc```
 <Install matplotlib>
 Matplotlib is required to display the graph with jupyter, so install it.
```sudo aptitude install libqtgui4
conda install matplotlib
conda install nomkl
conda update --all```
 <br> Installing jupyter <br>

#### **`aseering/wsl`**
```sudo add-apt-repository ppa

sudo aptitude update
sudo aptitude install libzmq3
conda install -c jzuhone zeromq=4.1.dev0
conda install jupyter```
 after this
```jupyter notebook --no-browser```
 When you enter, the address will be displayed on bash, so you can use jupyter notebook by opening it in a browser.
 <br> Installing Tensorflow <br>
```conda install -c conda-forge tensorflow```
 I also installed tensorflow according to the reference page.

## Reference article
 I referred to the following article.

 [1] <a href=""> Let's install Bash on Ubuntu on Windows! </a>
 [2] <a href=""> Try building a Rails environment with windows bash. (Windows 10 Anniversary Update version) </a>
 [3] <a href=""> Run Tensorflow from Jupyter Notebook on Bash on Ubuntu on Windows </a>
 [4] <a href=""> Notes for using TensorFlow on Bash on Ubuntu on Windows </a>

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