[PYTHON] [Note] RepresenterError

What I wanted to do -Open a specific http.conf and get the port number with a regular expression -Store the acquired number in a variable and spit it out with yaml

But the following error occurred

Function caller

vh_https_port = self.func_extract_port("^<VirtualHost \*:", ">", vh_port_line_https)
*vh_port_line_https=A string containing the port number

Processing to extract the actual port

    def func_extract_port(self, pattern_s, pattern_e, string):
            #Exclude commented out lines
            regex = r'(\d{1,5})'
            r = re.compile(pattern_s+regex+pattern_e)
            result_word = r.search(string)
            print(string+"Against"+pattern_s+"When"+ pattern_e +"I searched for but not found")
            result_word = ""

        return result_word


yaml.representer.RepresenterError: cannot represent an object: <_sre.SRE_Match object; span=(0, 21), match='<VirtualHost *:1111>'>


The result obtained by search is not a string that is a match object, so even if it can be stored in a variable, I was angry that it could not be represented.


result_word = r.search(string).group(1) And made the return value of the function a string

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