[PYTHON] PyData.Osaka Meetup # 2 Note


Osaka Institute of Technology Umekita Knowledge Center
PyData.Osaka Meetup #2 will be held.
Thanks to the kindness of Professor Yuki Inoue, Faculty of Information Science, Osaka Institute of Technology
#Continue to 1
Osaka Institute of Technology Umekita Knowledge Center
It will be held at.

From this time, we have set a theme.

#The second theme is Project Jupyter.

Participation fee is free.
If you would like to participate, please click the "Join a group and attend the event" button on the right side of the screen.

We are also looking for presenters. It can be LT.
theme(Jupyter)It can be different from.

Feel free to contact us if you are interested in the presentation
Please comment on.

• @Introduction of kozo2 binder

• @knowledge of kozo2 airbnb-Introduction of repo

• @Take a look at kozo2 Jupyter Newsletter

• @Introduction of genya0407 nteract

• @taku-y Py MC3 Variational Bayes Story

• @kozo2 Osaka.The story that went to Stan

Venue story

Umekita Knowledge Center will be closed and moved to another location

Introducing Binder

A service that hosts the Jupyter environment. What a Free !. If you specify github repository, the environment will be launched.

Customization of the environment is briefly described in docs http://docs.mybinder.org/getting-started

You can also use the C ++ kernel. http://mybinder.org/repo/cernphsft/rootbinder C ++ runs a wrapper shell called Cling.

Introduction of knowledge-repo of airbnb

I looked at the contents, but I couldn't tell an interesting story, so I decided to cancel.

jupyter newsletter 2016-11 brand logo

Using Jupyter notebook at American supercomputer NERSC

Introducing the developer

A famous person even with zeromq PLOTCON https://plot.ly/

jupyter newsletter 2016-10 https://figshare.com/

It seems that a tool called nbgrader is used for education. https://github.com/jupyter/nbgrader


https://altair-viz.github.io/ http://vega.github.io/vega-lite/

PyMC3 Variational Bayes Story

Variational inference in PyMC3

PyMC3 is in the same position as stan and is built on theano.

The author's http://twiecki.github.io/ blog content is substantial.


An environment that runs jupyter's UI with an electron-based native app instead of a web browser. Image that starts when you double-click ʻipynb`. At present, it seems that the status is that the kernel must be installed separately and the operation is suspicious.

The story I went to Osaka.Stan

Events reads the book Bayesian Statistical Modeling with Stan and R Meeting.

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