Jupyter notebook environment running in Google's cloud. https://colab.research.google.com/notebooks/welcome.ipynb
It can be used for free and does not require environment construction, so it is convenient for studying Python.
In addition, GPU and TPU can be used, and the execution time of machine learning can be reduced.
It is available free of charge, but there is a 12-hour limit on continuous usage time.
Be careful when using it for a long time in machine learning because the virtual machine will be disconnected after 12 hours.
The virtual machine will also be disconnected if left unattended for the idle timeout period.
Below is a usage memo.
Select from Runtime> Change Runtime Type.
If you select "Mount Drive" from the side menu, the code for mounting will be automatically generated, so execute it.
Currently the default is 1.x series. You can change to 2.x system by executing the following.
%tensorflow_version 2.x
that's all
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