Use Shift Right and Shift Left properly in Selenium

Overview in 3 lines


If you want to keyDown using Selenium in Java, write the following code.

public void sendKey(WebDriver webDriver, CharSequence... keys) {
  WebElement element = webDriver.findElement(By.className("hoge"))

WebElement.sendKeys takesCharSequence an argument, but often uses the provided enumKeys. However, be careful if you want to use the same function keys on the left and right, such as the right Shift key / left Shift key.

The implementation of enumKeys is as follows. SHIFT / LEFT_SHIFT are defined respectively, but unfortunately the behavior of the left Shift key will behave regardless of which one is sent.

public enum Keys implements CharSequence {
  SHIFT        ('\uE008'),
  CONTROL      ('\uE009'),
  ALT          ('\uE00A'),
  LEFT_ALT     (Keys.ALT),
  LEFT         ('\uE012'),
  UP           ('\uE013'),
  ARROW_UP     (Keys.UP),
  RIGHT        ('\uE014'),
  DOWN         ('\uE015'),


Keys implements CharSequence, and the constructor and toString () implementation are as follows.

public enum Keys implements CharSequence {

  private final char keyCode;
  private final int codePoint;

  Keys(Keys key) {

  Keys(char keyCode) {
    this.keyCode = keyCode;
    this.codePoint = String.valueOf(keyCode).codePoints().findFirst().getAsInt();


  public String toString {
    return String.valueOf(keyCode);

Also, WebElement.sendKeys only combines the given keycodes with line breaks and sends them to WebDriver. Therefore, it will be recognized normally by specifying it with a character string as shown below without using the KeyCode defined in Keys.SHIFT.

  WebElement element = webDriver.findElement(By.className("hoge"))

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