Use of Japanese fonts and external characters in JasperReport

I will introduce how to use Japanese fonts and external characters in PDF output with JasperReports.


Thing you want to do


Create a Maven project and add jasperreports to dependency.


Use of Japanese fonts

Place the font to use in the classpath

Place the font file (* .ttf) in the project's src / main / resources / fonts. This will include the font files in the jar (or war) so you don't have to install the font files on the actual running server.

Create fontFamily definition xml

Create src / main / resources / fonts / fontsfamily-ipa.xml and write the following definition. For the font file path, enter the path from the classpath.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <fontFamily name="IPAex Gothic">
  <fontFamily name="IPAex Mincho">

Set to read fontFamily definition xml

Create the JasperReports extension definition file src / main / resources /` and describe the following definitions. The path and name of this file are fixed (JasperReports specification).


Specify the font in the layout definition file

fontFamily definition Specify the font name (fontFamily name) defined in xml in Text Field or Static Text.

Use of external characters

Place the external character font in the classpath

Place the external character font file in the project's src / main / resources / fonts in the same way as the IPA font. Gaiji font files are usually named ʻEUDC.tte, but rename them to .ttf` so that JasperReports will recognize them.

Added external characters to fontFamily definition xml

Add fontFamily indicating external characters to the fontFamily definition xml defined earlier

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <fontFamily name="_EUDC">

Make it possible to use with IPA font

As it is, only the font for external characters is defined, but in reality, external characters appear in normal sentences. Therefore, it is necessary to define so that other fonts can be used at the same time. Here, when ʻIPAex Gothic or ʻIPAex Mincho is specified for the font, fontSet is defined in the fontFamily definition xml so that external characters are also displayed, and the original fontFamily name is used. change.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <fontFamily name="_IPAex Gothic"> <!--to name_Add-->
  <fontFamily name="_IPAex Mincho">
  <fontFamily name="_EUDC">

  <fontSet name="IPAex Gothic">
    <family familyName="_IPAex Gothic" primary="true" />
    <family familyName="_EUDC" />
  <fontSet name="IPAex Mincho">
    <family familyName="_IPAex Mincho" primary="true" />
    <family familyName="_EUDC" />

Characters that cannot be displayed in the IPA font will now use the Gaiji font.

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