Proper use of Mockito and PowerMock

I tried to organize the proper use of Mockito and PowerMock when mocking various methods when testing with JUnit with Spring Boot.

Settings required for testing


dependencies {
    testCompile group: 'org.powermock', name: 'powermock-api-mockito', version: '1.6.6'
    testCompile group: 'org.powermock', name: 'powermock-module-junit4', version: '1.6.6'

Just put spring-boot-starter-test and you can use the following two libraries. The version is ** spring-boot-gradle-plugin: 1.5.2.RELEASE **.

Add a setting to use the power mock that will be used later.

Class used for explanation

Class to be tested

public class TestTargetClass {
  private TestSubClass testSubClass;

  private String private_method() {
    return "private_method called " + private_sub();

  private String private_sub() {
    return "private_sub";

  public String public_method() {
    return "public_method called " + public_sub();

  public String public_sub() {
    return "public_sub";

  public String public_method_call_private_method() {
    return "public_method called " + private_sub();

  public static String static_method() {
    return "static_method";

  public String public_subclass_public_method() {
    return "public_subclass_method called " + testSubClass.sub_public_method();

  public String public_subclass_private_method() {
    return "public_subclass_method called " + testSubClass.sub_public_method_call_private_method();

Subclass to be tested (subclass DI from parent class)

public class TestSubClass {

  public String public_field = "public_field";
  private String private_field = "private_field";

  private String sub_private_method() {
    return "subclass_private_method has " + private_field;

  public String sub_public_method() {
    return "subclass_public_method has " + public_field;

  public String sub_public_method_call_private_method() {
    return "subclass_public_method called " + sub_private_method();

First from the basic test

You can use Mockito for the test class like this.

public class RealTest {
  private TestTargetClass instance;

public void test method() {

Testing the actual behavior of public methods

Needless to write, here is the test code

public void can be tested by calling public methods() {
    assertThat(public_method(), is("public_method called public_sub"));

Testing the actual behavior of private methods

OK if you use setAccessible with reflection

public void can be tested by calling private methods() throws Exception {
    Method method = TestTargetClass.class.getDeclaredMethod("private_method");
    assertThat((String) method.invoke(instance), is("private_method called private_sub"));

Testing the actual behavior of static methods

Needless to write, here is the test code

can be tested by calling public void static methods() {
    assertThat(TestTargetClass.static_method(), is("static_method"));

Here is the test using the mock of the main subject.

Tests that can only be done with Mockito

When mocking public methods

In such cases, use Mockito.mock ().

public void can mock public methods() {
    TestTargetClass mockInstance = mock(TestTargetClass.class);
    assertThat(mockInstance.public_method(), is("mocked_public_method"));

When mocking a sub public method called from a public method

I want the methods other than the mocking method public_sub () to work as implemented, so use Mockito.spy () in such cases.

public void Sub methods called by public methods can be mocked with Spy() {
    TestTargetClass mockInstance = spy(new TestTargetClass());
    assertThat(mockInstance.public_method(), is("public_method called mocked_public_sub"));

Tests that can be done with PowerMock

The test class when using PowerMock looks like this

public class PowerMockTest {
public void test method() {

Private method mock

Use PowerMockito.mock () and PowerMockito.when (). Also, to specify a private method, use MemberMatcher.method () to reflect.

public void private methods can be mocked with PowerMockito() throws Exception {
    TestTargetClass mockInstance = PowerMockito.mock(TestTargetClass.class);
    PowerMockito.when(mockInstance, MemberMatcher.method(TestTargetClass.class, "private_method"))

    //Use reflection to access private methods
    Method method = TestTargetClass.class.getDeclaredMethod("private_method");

    assertThat((String) method.invoke(mockInstance), is("mocked_private_method"));

Static method mock

Use PowerMockito.mockStatic () and PowerMockito.when ().

public void static methods can be mocked with PowerMockito()() {
    assertThat(TestTargetClass.static_method(), is("mocked_static_method"));

When mocking a sub private method called from a public method

Since we want methods other than the mocking method private_sub () to work as implemented, use PowerMockito.spy () and PowerMockito.when () in such cases. Also, to specify a private method, use MemberMatcher.method () to reflect.

public void Sub-private methods called from public methods can be mocked with spy() throws Exception {
    TestTargetClass mockInstance = PowerMockito.spy(new TestTargetClass());
    PowerMockito.when(mockInstance, MemberMatcher.method(TestTargetClass.class, "private_sub"))

        is("public_method called mocked_private_sub"));

When mocking a class that is DI in the class

It is assumed that the service class that is DI in the controller class is mocked. PowerMock is used at this time as well. DI the target class of @ Autowired specified in the class specified by @InjectMocks in the @SpringBootTest annotation. The target class of @ Autowired isPowerMockito.spy ()as a class variable.

The test class looks like this

//PowerMock target class
public class PowerMockSubclassTest {
  private TestTargetClass instance;
  private TestSubClass testSubClass = PowerMockito.spy(new TestSubClass());

public void test method() {

It seems that you can not mock even if you do the following instead of the class variable. ... Perhaps Please comment if there is any good way.

public void test method() {
     TestSubClass testSubClass = PowerMockito.spy(new TestSubClass());

Mock public methods in subclasses

Since it is actually a public method, the part where the subclass is declared in the test class is

private TestSubClass testSubClass = PowerMockito.mock(TestSubClass.class);

However, it cannot be used together with the one using spy () in the same source file, so unify it with spy (). Use PowerMockito.when ().

public void You can mock public methods of subclasses() {
        is("public_subclass_method called mocked_subclass_public_method"));

Mock a subclass's private method

Use PowerMockito.when (). Also, to specify a private method, use MemberMatcher.method () to reflect.

public void Can mock private methods of subclasses() throws Exception {
    PowerMockito.when(testSubClass, MemberMatcher.method(TestSubClass.class, "sub_private_method"))

    assertThat(instance.public_subclass_private_method(), is(
        "public_subclass_method called subclass_public_method called mocked_sub_private_method"));

Mock public fields in subclasses

Use Whitebox.setInternalState () to mock a subclass field.

public void You can mock public fields in subclasses() {
    Whitebox.setInternalState(testSubClass, "public_field", "mocked_public_field");
        is("public_subclass_method called subclass_public_method has mocked_public_field"));

Mock a subclass's private field

Use Whitebox.setInternalState () to mock a subclass field. Same as setting it in the public field.

public void Can mock private fields in subclasses() {
    Whitebox.setInternalState(testSubClass, "private_field", "mocked_private_field");
    assertThat(instance.public_subclass_private_method(), is(
        "public_subclass_method called subclass_public_method called subclass_private_method has mocked_private_field"));

It's a long sentence, but that's it.

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