[PYTHON] template


import string

s = '''\
Hi $name.
Have a good day

t = string.Template(s)
contents = t.substitute(name='Mike', contents='How are you?')

Execution result of 1

Hi Mike.
How are you?
Have a good day

Of this Hi $name. $contents Have a good day If you put it in another text file and operate it, You can avoid accidentally editing the template.

For example Mail_template.txt in a directory called design Create a text file The contents of the text file Hi $name. $contents Have a good day And then You can write as follows.


import string

with open('design\mail_template.txt') as f:
    t = string.Template(f.read())
contents = t.substitute(name='Mike', contents='How are you?')


Execution result of 2

Hi Mike.
How are you?
Have a good day

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