I want to make a voice changer using Python and SPTK with reference to a famous site

Premise / What you want to achieve

I want to make a voice changer using Python and SPTK.

I referred to the following site. The source code is basically used as it is without being rewritten.

Problems / error messages that are occurring

*** Now recording ... (10 sec)
*** extract pitch ...
*** extract mel cepstrum
*** modify parameters ...
'x2x' �́A�����R�}���h�܂��͊O���R�}���h�A
����”\�ȃv���O�����܂��̓o�b�` �t�@�C���Ƃ��ĔF������Ă��܂���B
'x2x' �́A�����R�}���h�܂��͊O���R�}���h�A
����”\�ȃv���O�����܂��̓o�b�` �t�@�C���Ƃ��ĔF������Ă��܂���B
'sopr' �́A�����R�}���h�܂��͊O���R�}���h�A
����”\�ȃv���O�����܂��̓o�b�` �t�@�C���Ƃ��ĔF������Ă��܂���B
*** play!
'sopr' �́A�����R�}���h�܂��͊O���R�}���h�A
����”\�ȃv���O�����܂��̓o�b�` �t�@�C���Ƃ��ĔF������Ă��܂���B
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:/Users/joho-2/PycharmProjects/R sound 10/R sound 10.py", line 127, in <module>
  File "C:/Users/joho-2/PycharmProjects/R sound 10/R sound 10.py", line 78, in play
    f = open(raw_file, "rb")
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'output.raw'

Corresponding source code

#coding: utf-8
import pyaudio
import struct
import subprocess

#Simple voice changer with SPTK

RATE = 16000
CHUNK = 1024

def record(raw_file, record_seconds=5):
    """Record an audio file
Recording time is fixed. I couldn't end the loop when I pressed the keyboard ..."""
    fp = open(raw_file, "wb")
    for _ in range(0, int(RATE / CHUNK * record_seconds)):
        data = stream.read(CHUNK)
        fp.write(struct.pack('s' * CHUNK * 2, *data))

def extract_pitch(raw_file, pitch_file):
    """Extraction of pitch parameters"""
    cmd = "x2x +sf %s | pitch -a 1 -s 16 -p 80 > %s" % (raw_file, pitch_file)
    subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True)

def extract_mcep(raw_file, mcep_file):
    """Extraction of mer cepstrum parameters"""
    cmd = "x2x +sf %s | frame -p 80 | window | mcep -m 25 -a 0.42 > %s" % (raw_file, mcep_file)
    subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True)

def modify_pitch(m, pitch_file, mcep_file, raw_file):
    """Deform the pitch and resynthesize
m is greater than 1=>Low voice
m is less than 1=>High voice"""
    cmd = "sopr -m %f %s | excite -p 80 | mlsadf -m 25 -a 0.42 -p 80 %s | clip -y -32000 32000 | x2x +fs > %s" % (m, pitch_file, mcep_file, raw_file)
    subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True)

def modify_speed(frame_shift, pitch_file, mcep_file, raw_file):
    """Deform the speaking speed and resynthesize
    frame_shift is small=>Fast talk
    frame_shift is large=>slowly"""
    cmd = "excite -p %f %s | mlsadf -m 25 -a 0.42 -p %f %s | clip -y -32000 32000 | x2x +fs > %s" % (frame_shift, pitch_file, frame_shift, mcep_file, raw_file)
    subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True)

def hoarse_voice(pitch_file, mcep_file, raw_file):
    modify_pitch(0, pitch_file, mcep_file, raw_file)

def robot_voice(frame_period, record_seconds, mcep_file, raw_file):
    """Robot voice
    frame_period is small=>Low
    frame_period is large=>high"""
    sequence_length = record_seconds * RATE * frame_period
    cmd = "train -p %d -l %d | mlsadf -m 25 -a 0.42 -p 80 %s | clip -y -32000 32000 | x2x +fs > %s" % (frame_period, sequence_length, mcep_file, raw_file)
    subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True)

def child_voice(pitch_file, mcep_file, raw_file):
    """Child voice"""
    cmd = "sopr -m 0.4 %s | excite -p 80 | mlsadf -m 25 -a 0.1 -p 80 %s | clip -y -32000 32000 | x2x +fs > %s" % (pitch_file, mcep_file, raw_file)
    subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True)

def deep_voice(pitch_file, mcep_file, raw_file):
    """Thick voice"""
    cmd = "sopr -m 2.0 %s | excite -p 80 | mlsadf -m 25 -a 0.6 -p 80 %s | clip -y -32000 32000 | x2x +fs > %s" % (pitch_file, mcep_file, raw_file)
    subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True)

def raw2wav(raw_file, wav_file):
    cmd = "sox -e signed-integer -c %d -b 16 -r %d %s %s" % (CHANNELS, RATE, raw_file, wav_file)
    subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True)

def play(raw_file):
    """Play raw file"""
    p = pyaudio.PyAudio()
    stream = p.open(format=p.get_format_from_width(2), channels=CHANNELS, rate=RATE, output=True)
    f = open(raw_file, "rb")
    data = f.read(CHUNK)
    while data != '':
        data = f.read(CHUNK)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    #Recording time (fixed)
    record_seconds = 10

    p = pyaudio.PyAudio()
    stream = p.open(format=pyaudio.paInt16,

    pitch_file = "temp.pitch"
    mcep_file = "temp.mcep"
    raw_file = "temp.raw"
    output_file = "output.raw"

    #Record the original audio and export it as a raw file
    print "*** Now recording ... (%d sec)" % record_seconds
    record(raw_file, record_seconds)

    #Parameter extraction
    print "*** extract pitch ..."
    extract_pitch(raw_file, pitch_file)

    print "*** extract mel cepstrum"
    extract_mcep(raw_file, mcep_file)

    #Various parameter transformations
    print "*** modify parameters ..."

    #Only one can be enabled
    modify_pitch(0.3, pitch_file, mcep_file, output_file)
#    modify_speed(300, pitch_file, mcep_file, output_file)
#    hoarse_voice(pitch_file, mcep_file, output_file)
#    robot_voice(100, record_seconds, mcep_file, output_file)
#    child_voice(pitch_file, mcep_file, output_file)
    deep_voice(pitch_file, mcep_file, output_file)

    #Play the converted audio
    print "*** play!"

What I tried

I thought it was a problem with the Python version, so I changed from 3 series to 2 series, but it didn't work ... I thought that I couldn't record in the first place, so I reviewed the site many times and studied. The error didn't go away from here and it just didn't work ;;

Supplementary information (FW / tool version, etc.)

I'm a beginner who just studied Python recently. I would be really happy if you could give me some advice. Thank you very much.

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