I compared Python more-itertools 2.5 → 2.6

where more-itertools changed from 2.5 to 2.6

(Change) ilen

The implementation has changed from sum to deque. Why deque?


from collections import deque
n = 10000
%timeit sum(1 for _ in range(n))                      # 2.5
%timeit deque(enumerate(range(n), 1), maxlen=1)[0][0] # 2.6
1000 loops, best of 3: 439 µs per loop
1000 loops, best of 3: 289 µs per loop

Indeed, it's getting faster.

(Add) divide

Divide into the specified number so that they are approximately the same size.


from more_itertools import divide, always_iterable, adjacent, groupby_transform, context
[tuple(i) for i in divide(3, range(10))]
[(0, 1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6), (7, 8, 9)]

(Addition) always_iterable

Iterable remains as it is, and non-iterable ones become iterable.




[1, 3, 5]

(Addition) adjacent

Set True before and after where the conditions match.


list(adjacent(lambda x: x==3, range(7)))
[(False, 0),
 (False, 1),
 (True, 2),
 (True, 3),
 (True, 4),
 (False, 5),
 (False, 6)]

list(adjacent(lambda x: x==3, range(7), distance=2)) #Up to 2 differences before and after
[(False, 0),
 (True, 1),
 (True, 2),
 (True, 3),
 (True, 4),
 (True, 5),
 (False, 6)]

(Add) groupby_transform

Convert keys and values after grouping.


[(i,list(j)) for i,j in groupby_transform([1,1,3,2,2,2],
                                          lambda x: f'<{x}>', #Key conversion
                                          lambda x: x*10)]    #Value conversion
[('<1>', [10, 10]), ('<3>', [30]), ('<2>', [20, 20, 20])]

(Added) context (deleted in 3.0)

The one that can be used with with is a generator.


with open(file name) as fp:

↓ You can write like this

print(*[fp.read() for fp in context(open(file name))])

Reference: Introduction of itertools and more-itertools

that's all

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