I tried scraping with python

This time I will use Beautiful Soup. python 3.6.0 BeautifulSoup 4.6.0

Click here for the document English http://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/bs4/doc/

Japanese http://kondou.com/BS4/


$ pip install beautifulsoup4

Run Torima Beautiful Soup

It is a program that fetches the data of this page and displays the contents of the h1 tag. https://pythonscraping.com/pages/page1.html

from urllib.request import urlopen
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup 


If nothing is done, the web page will not be found, or the scraper will throw an error in an unexpected data format, so you should write exception handling.

Error countermeasures


This line will result in an error if the page cannot be found So, rewrite it as follows.

	print("Page Not Found")

This line can also cause an error


I rewrote it like this.


Find the tag you want

You can find the tag you want by using find () and findAll () The following code displays the text in `<span class =" green "> </ span>`

span_list = bsobj.findAll("span",{"class":"green"})

If you want to display not only class = "green" but also class = "red", rewrite as follows.

span_list = bsobj.findAll("span",{"class":{"red","green"}})

Remove the tag

span_list = bsobj.findAll("span",{"class":"green"})
for i in span_list:

This code will display the text ``` </ span>` ``, but the tags will also be displayed. If you want only the text inside, you need to rewrite it as follows

#Display tags together

#Display without tags

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