When I tried to run MJ4 with Wine on Linux Mint20, I couldn't do it at all, so I will describe how to deal with it.
SEGA Mahjong Game There are smartphone apps, Windows apps, and arcade versions, but there is no Linux version.
Runs on Wine on Linux Mint 20 ⇛ When playing a game, the app crashes a little ⇛NG
Put Ubuntu on VirtualBox and run it on Wine ⇛ The drawing on the screen is heavy. It's a pain to start up in the first place ⇛NG
Put Wine in Ubuntu on Docker and run ⇛ No problem
Therefore, enjoy MJ4 by putting Wine in Ubuntu on Docker and executing it.
Create an image based on the Dockerfile below
FROM ubuntu
# ***********************************************
# install packages for xrdp, and do setting
# ***********************************************
RUN apt-get update && \
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y \
language-pack-ja bash-completion zenity x11-apps gnome-terminal
# ***********************************************
# setting skelton
# ***********************************************
RUN mkdir -p /etc/skel/Desktop \
/etc/skel/Downloads \
/etc/skel/Templates \
/etc/skel/Public \
/etc/skel/Documents \
/etc/skel/Music \
/etc/skel/Pictures \
# ***********************************************
# set local
# ***********************************************
RUN update-locale LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8
# ***********************************************
# setting keyboard layout
# ***********************************************
RUN { \
echo 'XKBMODEL="pc105"'; \
echo 'XKBLAYOUT="jp""'; \
echo 'XKBVARIANT=""'; \
echo 'XKBOPTIONS=""'; \
echo ''; \
echo 'BACKSPACE="guess"'; \
} > /etc/default/keyboard
Here's what we're doing: ■ apt installation Introduction of Japanese package Introduced bash-completion so that input completion can be used in bash (this is not a setting for using MJ4, but simply easy to use) Introduced zenity so that GUI apps can be launched from commands The need is unknown, but x11-apps is introduced Introduced gnome-terminal so that commands can be launched from winetricks
■ Creating a template for the user's home folder
■ Japanese localization I'm not sure if it's working well in this regard
■ Japanese keyboard layout I'm not sure if it's working well in this regard
Create an image with the following command The image name is sabocla6 / ubuntu_ui
sudo docker build ./ -t sabocla6/ubuntu_ui
Create an image from the Dockerfile below.
FROM sabocla6/ubuntu_ui
# ***********************************************
# install wine
# ***********************************************
RUN dpkg --add-architecture i386
RUN apt-get -y autoclean
RUN apt-get update && DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y \
curl wine-stable winetricks
I have installed curl to download the MJ4 setup program to install. Since it runs Wine, we have introduced wine-stable and winetricks.
Create an image with the following command The image name is sabocla6 / tmp_wine
sudo docker build ./ -t sabocla6/tmp_wine
Based on this image, create a container image with dotnet35sp installed. This work can only be done from the GUI (I think), so create a container and execute it.
First, start the container.
sudo docker run -it --shm-size=2G --privileged --network host -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v $HOME/.Xauthority:/root/.Xauthority sabocla6/tmp_wine
The GUI may not open during the work. In that case, restart the Docker container.
After the container starts, start winetricks and create a 32-bit Windows 10 WINEPREFIX. The name of WINEPREFIX is win32. After the creation is completed, restart the container once.
Introduced fake japanese ipamona with font After the installation is complete, restart the container again.
Install dotnet35sp1 on that WINE PREFIX. After the installation is complete, save the container as an image.
sudo docker commit [Container ID] sabocla6/wine
Create a container from sabocla6 / wine.
sudo docker run -it --shm-size=2G --privileged --network host -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v $HOME/.Xauthority:/root/.Xauthority sabocla6/wine
Download the MJ4 installer with curl, launch the shell with the 32-bit version of WINEPREFIX created with winetricks, and Run the installer with wine. The installation destination has been changed to c: \ Program Files \ SEGA . (Isn't it translated into Japanese? The installation folder name is garbled)
Create a script called /root/start.sh with the following contents
#! /bin/bash
export COLORTERM=truecolor
export HOSTNAME=PortableMint
export HOME=/root
export WINEPREFIX=/root/.local/share/wineprefixes/win32
export WINE=wine
export W_PLATFORM=wine
cd /root/.local/share/wineprefixes/win32/drive_c/Program\ Files/SEGA/
wine MJ_Launcher.exe
Add writing to /root/.bashrc
When you restart the container, MJ4 will start up.
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